This module creates the Azure Blob Storage infrastructure needed to backup an AKS cluster using Velero.
This module only automates creating the needed infrastructure and it does not deploy a cluster or Velero inside the cluster.
For this module to make sense you need to have deployed an Azure Kubernetes Service that where you would like to run Velero.
This module creates the following resources.
- azurerm_resource_group.backup
- azurerm_storage_account.backup
- azurerm_storage_container.velero
It supports the following variables.
- location (Required)
- name
- account_tier
- account_replication_type
- bucket
It outputs the following information.
- backup_subscription_id
- backup_tenant_id
- backup_client_id
- backup_client_secret
- backup_resource_group
- backup_storage_account_name
module "backup" {
source = "adfinis-sygroup/backupstorage/azurerm"
version = "0.0.0"
Grab the output from terraform and use it to create a Kubernetes secret for Velero.
# grab needed information from AKS deployment (outside of this modules scope)
aksMcResourceGroup=`az aks show \
--resource-group "${aksResourceGroup}" \
--name "${aksName}" -ojson | jq -r '.nodeResourceGroup'`
# grab information from terraform output
subscriptionId=`terraform output -json \
| jq -r '.backup_subscription_id | .value' \
| sed 's@/subscriptions/@@'`
tenantId=`terraform output -json | jq -r '.backup_tenant_id | .value'`
clientId=`terraform output -json | jq -r '.backup_client_id | .value'`
clientSecret=`terraform output -json | jq -r '.backup_client_secret | .value'`
# create namspace and secret
kubectl create namespace "${backupNamespace}"
kubectl create secret generic "${backupCloudCredentials}" \
--namespace "${backupNamespace}" \
--from-literal="AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=${subscriptionId}" \
--from-literal="AZURE_TENANT_ID=${tenantId}" \
--from-literal="AZURE_CLIENT_ID=${clientId}" \
--from-literal="AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=${clientSecret}" \
--from-literal="AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP=${aksMcResourceGroup}" \
Create a values.yaml
to use with helm install stable/velero (also outside of
the scope of this module.
backupResourceGroup=`terraform output -json \
| jq -r '.backup_resource_group | .value'`
backupStorageAccountName=`terraform output -json \
| jq -r '.backup_storage_account_name | .value'`
cat > velero.values.yaml <<EOYAML
provider: azure
name: azure
bucket: velero
resourceGroup: ${backupResourceGroup}
storageAccount: ${backupStorageAccountName}
name: azure
resourceGroup: ${backupResourceGroup}
This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
Copyright (c) 2019 Adfinis SyGroup AG