Companion app for Elderly Care app.
App has access to view documents added by the elder, to track the elder's medical vitals, let's the companion to video chat the elder.
- This feature helps the person to track progress the elder's important health vitals such as sleep, weight, blood pressure, sugar level etc. - A graphical representation of each would be provided based on the regular data.
Document Storage
- Helps in viewing all personal documents of the elder - from all personal IDs and journals to medical contacts and insurance informations.
Video Call
Helps care taker to video chat with elder anytime. Call can be initiated from both ends.
On Android versions prior to Android 6.0, Elderly Companion requires the following permissions:
- Full Network Access: It uses the network data for the firebase.
Elderly Companion app is a free and open source project. Any contributions are welcome. Here are a few ways you can help:
This application is released under GNU GPLv3 (see LICENSE). Some of the used libraries are released under different licenses.