A rosetta stone project.
This project is designed to provide an applied crosswalk between Stata, R, and Python. Other crosswalks provide a list of columns with equivalent code snippits. This crosswalk aims to provide similar projects in different environments. Aside from being useful as a crosswalk this project can be useful in teaching and/or learning first semester statistics.
First demonstrates and implements correlation calculations in each environment. See the file series coorhandStata.do coorhandPy.py corrhandR.r
. In Stata enter the following command for a demonstration (no downloads necessary):
do https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adamrossnelson/crossreg/master/corrhandStata.do
In R use the following command for a demonstration (no downloads necessary):
Second, demonstrates/Implements OLS regression calculations in each environment. See the file series reghandStata.do reghandPy.py reghandR.r
See: BadgerGameday or rosetta.
This StataQuickReference repot also offers a Stata to Pandas Cross-Walk.
Over @vikjam replicated, in three ways, tables from Mostly Harmless Econometrics. Check it out at Mostly Harmless Replication. A two-way dictionary with a growing number of entries compares common Stata and R code and conventions. Originally it was an April 1st fool's joke. But, the dictionary is useful at RStata.
Send me your questions, comments, and tell me what I did wrong.
Fork and pull requests welcome.