Feasibility study to see if Go-based nightscout would be useful.
Based on nightscout web monitor
- can we lose the mongo dependency?
- Does it use less RAM/CPU?
- Can we use pluggable storage via adapter repositories?
- Could we use s3/dynamo, cloudflare r2/kv or other free-tier storage?
- support uploads from nightscout-librelink-up
- support MacOS menu bar (nb: only supports https)
- unauthenticated api calls should fail, ie support
- Use in-memory data store. Remove postgres.
Do not fix >11k entry pg import issue (caused by too-long sql statement)
- add to memory store when new entries received
- Write current day-, month- and year- files as appropriate
- read from memory store when returning current entry
- use memory store if possible for
(ie >count entries in memory)
- add to memory store when new entries received
- Persist to s3 on shutdown (not needed, s3 is always up-to-date with latest data)
- Read from s3 on startup
- Trigger write to s3 on each receipt of new data
- Support larger bulk-insert. Currently limited to 10,802 entries without batch pg inserts
- Ignore duplicate data (same reading, same 30s period -> make nightscoutjs import work)
- Can restart server with librelinkup enabled and we do not get duplicate entries
- Write completed "backup" files when passing into new month/year
- Support single-shot import from remote nightscout
- Fetch data from librelinkup every minute = Nightscout menu bar works
- Use generated tokens, do not hardcode
- hardcoded "api:read:entries" token name (derived from API_SECRET) "read-xxx"
Note that shuggah supports token authentication by sending it in the api-secret header
- endpoint
GET /api/v1/experiments/test
- endpoint
GET /api/v1/entries/sgv.json
- endpoint
GET /api/v1/treatments?find[created_at][$gt]=<a day ago>
(can return [] for now) - endpoint
POST /api/v1/treatments
- endpoint
GET /api/v1/treatments
should return treatments - store treatments in s3, load on boot
- endpoint
DELETE /api/v1/treatments/<_id>
to delete treatments - endpoint
PUT /api/v1/treatments/<_id>
to update treatments
- support
GET /api/v1/treatments?count=1&find[eventType]=Site+Change
etc - support
- support date range (gt/lte) on
GET /api/v1/entries.json
- serve bundled front-end
- implement socket interface for f/e. See https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-protocol/tree/v3
- v1 api has at least four different ways to authenticate
- various api endpoints essentially expose mongodb queries directly - mapping these to another data store will require thought
- various endpoints are not documented (eg
) - not sure how widely-used the permissions model is - for example, the
permission does not allownightscout-librelink-up
to work as it fetches from/api/v1/entries?count=1
to determine the most-recent sgv before uploading new ones - nightscout will return the most-recent-before-current-time entry for the
apiv1 endpoint, not the max-time entry - the v1 api
endpoint will add an implicit date filter (of now - 4 days) if one is specified in the query. (seelib/server/query.js
). Usefind[date][$gte]=1
to bypass.
No other endpoints are used
GET /api/v1/entries?count=1
(determine most-recent known entry before each upload)POST /api/v1/entries
(upload any new sgv entries) Perms to support this would beapi:entries:read,create
( note stray}
Note: sometimes datetime has trailing }
. Both $gt
and $gte
are used.
Regexp used to find Sensor Start/Change entries
nightguard ios app fetches much more info :)
GET /api/v1/devicestatus.json?count=5&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/entries.json?count=1440&find%5Bdate%5D%5B$gt%5D=1733875200000.0&find%5Bdate%5D%5B$lte%5D=1733961600000.0&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/entries.json?count=1440&find%5Bdate%5D%5B$gt%5D=1734027035000.0&find%5Bdate%5D%5B$lte%5D=1734048000000.0&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/entries.json?find%5Bdate%5D%5B$gt%5D=1734026975000.0&find%5Bdate%5D%5B$lte%5D=1734048000000.0&count=1440&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?count=1&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-11-28&find%5BeventType%5D=Sensor%20Change&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?count=1&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-11-28&find%5BeventType%5D=Sensor%20Change&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?count=1&find%5BeventType%5D=Pump%20Battery%20Change&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-11-02&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?count=1&find%5BeventType%5D=Site%20Change&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-12-07&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?count=1&find%5BeventType%5D=Temporary%20Target&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-12-11&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-12-07&count=1&find%5BeventType%5D=Site%20Change&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?find%5BeventType%5D=Pump%20Battery%20Change&count=1&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-11-02&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?find%5BeventType%5D=Pump%20Battery%20Change&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-11-02&count=1&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?find%5BeventType%5D=Sensor%20Change&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-11-28&count=1&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?find%5BeventType%5D=Site%20Change&count=1&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-12-07&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments?find%5BeventType%5D=Temporary%20Target&count=1&find%5Bcreated_at%5D%5B$gte%5D=2024-12-11&token=xxx-123
GET /api/v1/treatments.json?token=xxx-123
GET /api/v2/properties?token=xxx-123
Nightscout pro data transfer tool
GET /api/v1/entries.json?count=all&find[dateString][$lte]=2024-11-20&find[dateString][$gte]=2024-07-01
GET /api/v1/treatments.json?count=all&find[created_at][$lte]=2024-11-20&find[created_at][$gte]=2024-07-01
POST /api/v1/entries
POST /api/v1/treatments
Juggluco says it implements a nightscout-compatible server.
GET /api/v1/entries/sgv.json
GET /api/v1/entries.json
GET /api/v1/entries/sgv.csv
GET /api/v1/entries/sgv.tsv or or
GET /api/v1/entries/current
GET /api/v1/treatments
supports count and find: