Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_Arcada
Releases · adafruit/Adafruit_Arcada
2.5.8 Add Adafruit CLUE board
- Add CLUE board
- update for new CLUE with LSM6DS3TR-C
Full Changelog: 2.5.7...2.5.8
2.5.7 Update board definitions for Adafruit Arcada PyGamerAdvance
What's Changed
- Lines required for compilation by @programaths in #42
New Contributors
- @programaths made their first contribution in #42
Full Changelog: 2.5.6...2.5.7
2.5.6 - Update for MSA311 Hallowings
2.5.5 - Updated CI Actions versions
Update CI action versions
2.5.4 - Fixed warnings
Bump to 2.5.4
2.5.3 - Fixed bug with SEL+START not starting the sound
Bump to 2.5.3
Add in-flash check before write, yield() more often
2.5.2 Add already-in-flash check before starting blocks, add more yields in…
2.5.1 - Updated how long it takes to repeat a button press to prevent accidental double presses
2.5.0 - Added examples, removed implicit conversion from string to char
2.4.6 - Typo fix
Thanks again to @Rexypoo for their contribution