How to use GitHub:
- Create and account and post your username on the Facebook group
- Go to and download GitHub for mac
- Install it and open the application
- Enter all your login information and enter your real name to identify code changes
- Scroll up on this web page and click "Clone in Mac"
- The Github application should popup and ask where you would like to download it
- Download it and start working on the project
- Whenever you make a change, click changes on left sidebar and "commit" your changes with detailed information of what you did
- Hit sync when finished committing
- Don't sync if you have errors and when you push make sure your "commit" makes sense
- Before starting to code, ope GitHub and hit sync branch in top right corner. VERY IMPORTANT, DO NOT OPEN XCODE BEFORE SYNCING BRANCH.
- When starting to code, open Xcode and on top hit File>Source Control>Pull
- When finished coding, close Xcode and then open Github app and sync branch.
- Let's do this! - Arjun
Project of TPC involving developing.