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 __   __         _____      _            __  __           _        ____            _    _              
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Installing YouTube Music Desktop App:

		*nodeJS (
1.	Installing dependencies:
		-Open the package folder location using terminal (It is recommended to put the folder in a permanent location)
		-with the temrinal open type the following command 'npm i electron'
		-Keep the terminal open, you will need it for the next steps

2.(opt)	Running the app(for testing):
		To run the application type the following 
		command in the open terminal 'npm start'
		this will start the app.

3.	Package to exe:
		To make a build use the command 'npm run package' in the terminal, 
		after it builds you will find the output in the 'out' folder, 
		where you will find the youtube music exe.

Version: 0.0.01