This is an enablement/learning repository. It aims to teach modern JavaScript for SharePoint Online and Plumsail Forms developers.
- copy the file ./src/index.html to "./src/{yourname}.html" (so you can refer to it, if something breaks)
- try to understand the code and add your name and location to the footer element
- instead of login successful write "Welcome {username}" and instead of login failed write "Invalid Credentials". Change the password to "{yourname!}".
- implement the secret button feature (tip: register a click event on the secret button)
- fetch the open dog API ( and display the image in the result div
- if you're stuck:
- try to look at the dog api documentation (
- try to refer to the documentation of the fetch API (
- try to understand the async/await syntax (
- try to find hints within the ./src/samples folder
- optional: Add a fourth button to the form, register a click event and do something cool with it (e.g. change the background color, trigger a sound etc.)
- show me your solution when you're done!
most importantly: good luck and have fun! :)