Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- hubei wuhan
(UTC +08:00)
GoDS (Go Data Structures) - Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues, and much more
🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.
🚌 The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer into Elasticsearch and OpenSearch, support customized dictionary.
go-stash is a high performance, free and open source server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from Kafka, processes it, and then sends it to ElasticSearch.
A high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework focusing on RPC scenarios.
A in-process MapReduce library to help you optimizing service response time or concurrent task processing.
An interactive web UI for gRPC, along the lines of postman
Common cryptographic library used in software at Mysten Labs.
talkgo / read
Forked from yangwenmai/learning-golangGo 学习之路:Go 开发者博客、Go 微信公众号、Go 学习资料(文档、书籍、视频)
Roadmap of learning blockchain technology and business knowledge summarized by ZJUBCA(浙大区块链协会总结的区块链知识学习路线)
A Golang implemented Redis Server and Cluster. Go 语言实现的 Redis 服务器和分布式集群
go micro service and cloud native course
🐜🐜🐜 ants is the most powerful and reliable pooling solution for Go.
「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
程序员鱼皮的编程宝典。原创编程学习路线,包括经验分享、技术知识、学习资源、学习建议、项目等,适用于所有学习编程 & 求职的同学。已完成 Java、前端