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abrosua authored Dec 17, 2018
1 parent 2953dfc commit c9b041d
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,109 additions and 0 deletions.
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions backup_boundLayer.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
%% Subroutine for boundary layer calculation
% using Approximation method: Karman-Pohlhausen
% NOTE: *BL calculation only for laminar region
% *transition checked using Cebeci and Smith (1974) method
% which is an improvement of Michel's method
% *turbulent region is neglected

function [delta_star, theta_star, t_wall, cf, cd] = boundLayer(U_in,...
xp, yp, c, rho, U_inf, mu)
%% Initialize input variables
temp = 1;
% Obtain stagnation point
[U_stag, ind_stag] = min(abs(U_in));

% Rearrange for upper (u) and lower (l) variables
xc_u = xp(ind_stag:end); xc_l = xp(ind_stag:-1:1);
xc = [xc_u; xc_l];
yc_u = yp(ind_stag:end); yc_l = yp(ind_stag:-1:1);
yc = [yc_u; yc_l];

r_u = [xc_u, yc_u];
r_l = [xc_l, yc_l];
% Calculate dr for both upper and lower airfoil
ds_u = zeros(length(xc_u)-1, 1);
ds_l = zeros(length(xc_l)-1, 1);
for i = 1:length(xc_u)-1
ds_u(i) = norm(r_u(i+1) - r_u(i));
for i = 1:length(xc_l)-1
ds_l(i) = norm(r_l(i+1) - r_l(i));

V_u = U_in(ind_stag:end); V_l = U_in(ind_stag:-1:1);
V = [V_u, V_l];

%% Handle functions
lambda_fun = @(x) x*(37/315 - x/945 - (x^2)/9072)^2;
H_fun = @(x) (3/10 - x/120)/(37/315 - x/945 - (x^2)/9072);
l_fun = @(x) (2 + x/6)/(37/315 - x/945 - (x^2)/9072);

%% Solution for UPPER airfoil
U_u = V_u(1:end-temp);
% Calculate dU/d
dU_u = zeros(length(U_u)-1,1);
for i=1:length(U_u)-1
dU_u(i) = (U_u(i+1) - U_u(i))/(norm(r_u(i+1,:) - r_u(i,:))/c);
% Calculate d2U/d2
d2U_u = zeros(length(dU_u)-1,1);
for i=1:length(dU_u)-1
d2U_u(i) = (dU_u(i+1) - dU_u(i))/(norm(r_u(i+1,:) - r_u(i,:))/c);

% Variables initialization: A, lambda, H, l, etc
A_u(1) = 7.052; % stable
lambda_u(1) = lambda_fun(A_u(1));
H_u(1) = H_fun(A_u(1));
l_u(1) = l_fun(A_u(1));
F_u(1) = 2*(l_u(1) - (2 + H_u(1))*lambda_u(1))/U_u(1);
Z_u(l) = lambda_u(1)/dU_u(1);
% For transition check
RHS_u(1) = 1;
LHS_u(1) = 0;

% Iteration to calculate handle variables for all position
for j = 2:length(dU_u)-1
if abs(RHS_u(j-1) - LHS_u(j-1)) >= 1e-08
% Update variables
for i = 1:length(dU_u)-1
Z_u(i+1) = Z_u(i) + F_u(i)*ds_u(i)/c;
lambda_u(i+1) = dU_u(i+1)*Z_u(i+1);
if lambda_u(i+1) <=0
G = fzero(@(L) lambda_fun(L) - lambda_u(i+1), -8);
elseif lambda_u(i+1) > 0
G = fzero(@(L) lambda_fun(L) - lambda_u(i+1), 8);
A_u(i+1) = G;

% Calculate other variables
H_u(i+1) = H_fun(G);
l_u(i+1) = l_fun(G);
F_u(i+1) = 2*(l_u(i+1) - (2 + H_u(i+1))*lambda_u(i+1))/U_u(i+1);

clear G
% Checking the transition point
RHS_u(j) = abs(U_u(j))*Re*sqrt(Z_u(j)/Re);
k = rho*abs(U_u(j))*U_inf*sum(ds_u(1:j))/mu;
LHS_u(j) = 1.174*(1+22400/k)*k^0.46; % Cebeci and Smith (1974)
RHS_u(j) = 1;
LHS_u(j) = 0;

% Construct the BL result variables
delta_u = sqrt(A_u./(Re*dU_u(1:length(A_u))));
deltas_u = delta_u.*(3/10 - delta_u./120);
thetas_u = sqrt(Z_u./Re);
tw_u = l.*U_u(1:length(l)).*sqrt(Re./Z_u);

% Calculate cfx_u (coefficient of friction)
cfx_u = 2*tw_u/Re;

%% Solution for LOWER airfoil
U_l = V_l(1:end-temp);
% Calculate dU/d
dU_l = zeros(length(U_l)-1,1);
for i=1:length(U_l)-1
dU_l(i) = (U_l(i+1) - U_l(i))/(norm(r_l(i+1,:) - r_l(i,:))/c);
% Calculate d2U/d2
d2U_l = zeros(length(dU_l)-1,1);
for i=1:length(dU_l)-1
d2U_l(i) = (dU_l(i+1) - dU_l(i))/(norm(r_l(i+1,:) - r_l(i,:))/c);

% Variables initialization: A, lambda, H, l, etc
A_l(1) = 7.052; % stable
lambda_l(1) = lambda_fun(A_l(1));
H_l(1) = H_fun(A_l(1));
l_l(1) = l_fun(A_l(1));
F_l(1) = 2*(l_l(1) - (2 + H_l(1))*lambda_l(1))/U_l(1);
Z_l(l) = lambda_l(1)/dU_l(1);
% For transition check
RHS_l(1) = 1;
LHS_l(1) = 0;

% Iteration to calculate handle variables for all position
for j = 2:length(dU_l)-1
if abs(RHS_l(j-1) - LHS_l(j-1)) >= 1e-08
% Update variables
for i = 1:length(dU_l)-1
Z_l(i+1) = Z_l(i) + F_l(i)*ds_l(i)/c;
lambda_l(i+1) = dU_l(i+1)*Z_l(i+1);
if lambda_l(i+1) <=0
G = fzero(@(L) lambda_fun(L) - lambda_l(i+1), -8);
elseif lambda_l(i+1) > 0
G = fzero(@(L) lambda_fun(L) - lambda_l(i+1), 8);
A_l(i+1) = G;

% Calculate other variables
H_l(i+1) = H_fun(G);
l_l(i+1) = l_fun(G);
F_l(i+1) = 2*(l_l(i+1) - (2 + H_l(i+1))*lambda_l(i+1))/U_l(i+1);

clear G
% Checking the transition point
RHS_l(j) = abs(U_l(j))*Re*sqrt(Z_l(j)/Re);
k = rho*abs(U_l(j))*U_inf*sum(ds_l(1:j))/mu;
LHS_l(j) = 1.174*(1+22400/k)*k^.46;
RHS_l(j) = 1;
LHS_l(j) = 0;

% Construct the BL result variables
delta_l = sqrt(A_l./(Re*dU_l(1:length(A_l))));
deltas_l = delta_l.*(3/10 - delta_l./120);
thetas_l = sqrt(Z_l./Re);
tw_l = l.*U_l(1:length(l)).*sqrt(Re./Z_l);

% Calculate cfx_l (coefficient of friction)
cfx_l = 2*tw_l/Re;

%% Calculate total Cf
if isempty(X) % X, MM and M are unknown! figure it out later!
cf = sum(abs(cfx_u(1:MM)).*ds_u(1:MM)) + sum(abs(cfx_l).*ds_l(1:length(cfx_bal)));
Drag = .5*rho*U_inf^2*c*span*cf;
elseif ~isempty(X) ~= 0
cf = sum(abs(cfx_u(1:MM)).*ds_u(1:MM)) + sum(abs(cfx_l(1:M)).*ds_l(1:M));
Drag = .5*rho*U_inf^2*c*span*cf;

%% Plotting the data

200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions boundLayer.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
% Subroutine for boundary layer calculation
% using Approximation method: Karman-Pohlhausen
% NOTE: *BL calculation only for laminar region
% *transition checked using Cebeci and Smith (1974) method
% which is an improvement of Michel's method
% *turbulent region is neglected

function [delta, deltas, thetas, tw, cf, trans_id, sp] = boundLayer...
(U_in, xb, yb, xp, yp, c, rho, U_inf, mu)
%% Initialize input variables
if size(U_in, 2) ~= 1
U_in = U_in';
kmu = mu/rho;
Re = U_inf*c/kmu;

% Obtain stagnation point
[~, ind_stag] = min(abs(U_in));

if abs(U_in(ind_stag+1)) < abs(U_in(ind_stag-1))
up = ind_stag + 1;
low = ind_stag;
up = ind_stag;
low = ind_stag - 1;

sp = [up low];
rp = [xp, yp];

% Calculate ds
rb = [xb, yb];
ds = zeros(length(xp), 1);
for i = 1:length(xp)
ds(i) = norm(rb(i+1,:) - rb(i,:));

%% Handle functions
lambda_fun = @(x) x.*(37/315 - x/945 - (x.^2)/9072).^2;
H_fun = @(x) (3/10 - x/120)./(37/315 - x/945 - (x.^2)/9072);
l_fun = @(x) (2 + x/6)./(37/315 - x/945 - (x.^2)/9072);

%% Array Initialization
A = zeros(length(U_in),1);
delta = zeros(length(U_in),1);
deltas = zeros(length(U_in),1);
thetas = zeros(length(U_in),1);
tw = zeros(length(U_in),1);
cf = zeros(length(U_in),1);
trans_id = zeros(2,1);

%% Solution for UPPER airfoil
init = up;
id = up:length(U_in);

% Calculate dU_in/dx1
dU_u = zeros(length(U_in(id)),1);
for i=id
j = i - up + 1;
if i ~= length(U_in)
dU_u(j) = (U_in(i+1) - U_in(i))/(norm(rp(i+1,:) - rp(i,:))/c);
dU_u(j) = (U_in(i) - U_in(i-1))/(norm(rp(i,:) - rp(i-1,:))/c);
d2U_u1 = (dU_u(2) - dU_u(1))/(norm(rp(init+1,:) - rp(init,:))/c);

% Variables initialization: A, lambda, H, l, etc
A(init) = 7.052; % stable
lambda(init) = lambda_fun(A(init));
H(init) = H_fun(A(init));
l(init) = l_fun(A(init));
F(init) = -.0652857*d2U_u1/dU_u(1)^2;
%F(init) = 2*(l(init) - (2 + H(init))*lambda(init))/U_in(init);
Z(init) = lambda(init)/dU_u(1);

% For transition check
xt = zeros(length(dU_u),1);

% Iteration to calculate handle variables for all position
for i = 1:length(dU_u)-1
j = i+up-1;
Z(j+1) = Z(j) + F(j)*ds(j)/c;
lambda(j+1) = dU_u(i+1)*Z(j+1);
if lambda(j+1) <= 0
G = fzero(@(L) lambda_fun(L) - lambda(j+1), -8);
elseif lambda(j+1) > 0
G = fzero(@(L) lambda_fun(L) - lambda(j+1), 8);
A(j+1) = G;

% Calculate other variables
H(j+1) = H_fun(G);
l(j+1) = l_fun(G);
F(j+1) = 2*(l(j+1) - (2 + H(j+1))*lambda(j+1))/U_in(j+1);

clear G

% Calculate xt
xt(i+1) = sum(ds(init+1:j+1));

% Construct the BL result variables
delta(id) = sqrt(abs(A(id)*kmu./dU_u));
deltas(id) = delta(id).*(3/10 - A(id)./120);
thetas(id) = delta(id).*(37/315 - A(id)./945 - (A(id).^2)./9072);
tw(id) = (mu*U_in(id)./delta(id)).*(2 + A(id)./6);
cf(id) = 2*kmu*l_fun(A(id))./(U_in(id).*thetas(id));

% Checking the transition point
RHS = abs(U_in(id)).*thetas(id)./kmu;
k = abs(U_in(id)).*xt./kmu;
LHS = 1.174*(1+22400./k).*k.^0.46; % Cebeci and Smith (1974)
trans_u = abs(RHS - LHS);

temp = find(trans_u <= 1e-05);
if isempty(temp)
trans_id(1) = nan;
trans_id(1) = temp;

clear RHS LHS xt id temp

%% Solution for LOWER airfoil
init = low;
id = low:-1:1;

% Calculate dU_in/dx1
dU_l = zeros(length(U_in(id)),1);
for i=id
j = low - i + 1;
if i ~= 1
dU_l(j) = (U_in(i-1) - U_in(i))/(norm(rp(i-1,:) - rp(i,:))/c);
dU_l(j) = (U_in(i) - U_in(i+1))/(norm(rp(i,:) - rp(i+1,:))/c);
d2U_l1 = (dU_l(2) - dU_l(1))/(norm(rp(init-1,:) - rp(init,:))/c);

% Variables initialization: A, lambda, H, l, etc
A(init) = 7.052; % stable
lambda(init) = lambda_fun(A(init));
H(init) = H_fun(A(init));
l(init) = l_fun(A(init));
F(init) = -.0652857*d2U_l1/dU_l(1)^2;
%F(init) = 2*(l(init) - (2 + H(init))*lambda(init))/U_in(init);
Z(init) = lambda(init)/dU_l(1);

% For transition check
xt = zeros(length(dU_l),1);

% Iteration to calculate handle variables for all position
for i = 1:length(dU_l)-1
j = low-i+1;
Z(j-1) = Z(j) + F(j)*ds(j)/c;
lambda(j-1) = dU_l(i+1)*Z(j-1);
if lambda(j-1) <=0
G = fzero(@(L) lambda_fun(L) - lambda(j-1), -8);
elseif lambda(j-1) > 0
G = fzero(@(L) lambda_fun(L) - lambda(j-1), 8);
A(j-1) = G;

% Calculate other variables
H(j-1) = H_fun(G);
l(j-1) = l_fun(G);
F(j-1) = 2*(l(j-1) - (2 + H(j-1))*lambda(j-1))/U_in(j-1);

clear G

% Calculate xt
xt(i+1) = sum(ds(j-1:init-1));


% Construct the BL result variables
delta(id) = sqrt(abs(A(id)*kmu./dU_l));
deltas(id) = delta(id).*(3/10 - A(id)./120);
thetas(id) = delta(id).*(37/315 - A(id)./945 - (A(id).^2)./9072);
tw(id) = (mu*U_in(id)./delta(id)).*(2 + A(id)./6);
cf(id) = 2*kmu*l_fun(A(id))./(U_in(id).*thetas(id));

% Checking the transition point
RHS = abs(U_in(id)).*thetas(id)./kmu;
k = abs(U_in(id)).*xt./kmu;
LHS = 1.174*(1+22400./k).*k.^0.46; % Cebeci and Smith (1974)
trans_l = abs(RHS - LHS);

temp = find(trans_l <= 1e-05);
if isempty(temp)
trans_id(2) = nan;
trans_id(2) = temp;

clear RHS LHS xt id temp


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