- Exeter
Demo for showing how to intercept mTLS and extract common names from client certificates
My notes for AWS Data Engineer Associate
paoven / cfk-clients-oauth
Forked from pneff93/cfk-clients-oauthRepository for OAuth client authentication in Confluent for Kubernetes on Azure Kubernetes Service
Hwameistor is an HA local storage system for cloud-native stateful workloads.
Apache Kafka, Apache Flink and Confluent Platform examples and demos
Example implementations of different TTL Patterns for Kafka Streams, presented at #Current24 in Austin, TX
Local Ansible CP Based on Docker Instances (MacOS)
21 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/
Examples for using Apache Flink® with DataStream API, Table API, Flink SQL and connectors such as MySQL, JDBC, CDC, Kafka.
resources for trying out a nessie-flink-iceberg setup
Open-Source Web UI for Schema Registry to validate compatibility
This is a fork of https://github.com/griga23/shoe-store
Repository that contains the scripts and pipelines necessary to create certificates signed by my own personal CA, which is trusted by absolutely no one!
cdebug - a swiss army knife of container debugging
Avro XML Mapper is a Java library that converts XML formatted data to Apache Avro format
Sample repo showing how Confluent Data Contracts can be used