A Kafka and Spark based application for producing and consuming random generated data with structured-streaming. Finally data get stored into HBase.
The application consists of:
- Kafka producer
- Kafka consumer
- Spark streaming application (consuming from Kafka and storing to HBase)
To build solution navigate under project root directory and execute:
sbt compile
Then generate JAR file with:
sbt package
This will create iot-device-stream-kafka_2.11-0.1.jar under IoT-device-stream-kafka/target/scala-2.11
Navigate under project's root directory and execute:
sbt "runMain com.IoT.Producer.IoTProducerWindow"
The next window should appear.
Navigate under project's root directory and execute:
sbt "runMain com.IoT.Consumer.KafkaToHBaseWindow"
The next window should appear.