Event-Mapper is a map-based MERN stack web application. It displays all the events happening around the world through GPS map which are added by its users. It uses Mapbox react package react-map-gl for map layers and styles.
- On map Geocoder to navigate directly to any place.
- Show events on map with popup and add events very easily with double click on map layer.
- Filter events between a particular date range.
- Multiple user registration.
- Update or delete the events created by you.
- Responsive Design with dark mode.
This project was created using the following technologies.
- Create-react-app (For ReactJS)
- React-map-gl (For map body and styling)
- React-map-gl-geocoder (For on map Geocoder)
- React-datepicker (For selecting range of dates)
- React-router-dom (To handle routing)
- Cloudinary (To host event images on cloud)
- Bootstrap
- Express
- Mongoose
- Bcryptjs
MongoDB (MongoDB Atlas)
In order to run this project locally, simply fork and clone the repository or download as zip and unzip on your machine.
- Open this folder in your Code Editor
- Open the terminal and split it into two for client and server.
In First Terminal
$ cd client
$ npm install (to install client-side dependencies)
$ npm start (to start the client)
Inside client folder in your root directory, add .env.local file and write the below code.
- For mapbox token, visit Mapbox and create your account to get auth token.
In Second Terminal
$ cd server
$ npm install (to install server-side dependencies)
$ npm start (to start the server)
Inside server folder in your root directory, add .env file and write the below code.
This project is created as a practice to showcase my skills. However this is my first MERN project, I intend to add more features further. Please give it a star and suggest improvements.
- LinkedIn: @Abhishek Singh
- Email: @abhishek
- Github: @abhishek