This repository provides an insight into ventures of framing an intelligent Command line interface (CLI) for UNIX Based Systems.
The database of linux documentation can be obtained by Web Scraping the domain by depoying the python library Beautiful Soup ( The script yields two comma seperated values files named 'cmd-names.csv' and 'data.csv' containing name of the UNIX command and it's particulars' links and Complete database of the command respectivey. This data can be pre-processed and utilized for the construction of knowedge base.
We have used joint learning model for learning word vector representations from both large text corpora and the knowledge base that was created in the previous step.
- We have used the JointReps model ( for this purpose.
- The coocurance matrix have been made using
- convert.c is used to convert the binary coocurance file obtained from
- coocurance.txt is the coocurance matrix obtained after the conversion.
- vocab.txt is the vocaulary of our corpus
- mapped_cooccurence.txt is our final coocurance file otained after mapping with the help of vocab.txt. This will be the input to JoinReps Model as the edge parameter.
The data obtained after scraping from the website is passed through an extensive process of pre-processing. The various columns obtained are concatenated, all special characters are removed and the resulting data is stemmed to obtain a uniform data for all the commands. For further removing bias due to large data present in some of the commands, common words 3 characters or less are removed to finally obtain a data ready for synonym pair extraction. The data is then feeded as input to and an output knowledge base can be obtained.