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Topcoder Projects Service

Microservice to manage CRUD operations for all things Projects.

Note: Steps mentioned below are best to our capability as guide for local deployment, however, we expect from contributor, being a developer, to resolve run-time issues (e.g. OS and node version issues etc), if any.

Local Development

Local setup should work good on Linux, macOS and Windows.


  • docker-compose - We use docker-compose for running dependencies locally.
  • Node.js version 12 - consider using nvm or equivalent to manage your node version
  • Install libpg

Steps to run locally

  1. 📦 Install npm dependencies

    npm install
  2. ⚙ Local config

    1. In the tc-project-service root directory create .env file with the next environment variables. Values for Auth0 config should be shared with you on the forum.

      # Auth0 config
      # Locally deployed services (via docker-compose)
      # Locally we usually run in Development mode
      • Values from this file would be automatically used by many npm commands.
      • ⚠️ Never commit this file or its copy to the repository!
    2. Set dockerhost to point the IP address of Docker. Docker IP address depends on your system. For example if docker is run on IP add a the next line to your /etc/hosts file:       dockerhost

      Alternatively, you may update .env file and replace dockerhost with your docker IP address.

  3. 🚢 Start docker-compose with services which are required to start Project Service locally

    npm run services:up

    Wait until all containers are fully started. As a good indicator, wait until project-processor-es successfully started by viewing its logs:

    npm run services:logs -- -f project-processor-es
    Click to see a good logs example
    • first it would be waiting for kafka-client to create all the required topics and exit, you would see:

      project-processor-es_1        | Waiting for kafka-client to exit....
    • after that, project-processor-es would be started itself. Make sure it successfully connected to Kafka, you should see 3 lines with text Subscribed to project.action.:

    project-processor-es_1        | 2020-02-19T03:18:46.523Z DEBUG no-kafka-client Subscribed to project.action.update:0 offset 0 leader kafka:9093
    project-processor-es_1        | 2020-02-19T03:18:46.524Z DEBUG no-kafka-client Subscribed to project.action.delete:0 offset 0 leader kafka:9093
    project-processor-es_1        | 2020-02-19T03:18:46.528Z DEBUG no-kafka-client Subscribed to project.action.create:0 offset 0 leader kafka:9093

    If you want to learn more about docker-compose configuration
    see more details here

    This docker-compose file starts the next services:

    Service Name Port
    PostgreSQL db 5432
    Elasticsearch esearch 9200
    Mock Service (not in use) jsonserver 3001
    Zookeeper zookeeper 2181
    Kafka kafka 9092
    tc-bus-api tc-bus-api 8002
    project-processor-es project-processor-es 5000
    tc-notifications-api tc-notifications-api 4000
    tc-notifications-processor tc-notifications-processor 4001
    • as many of the Topcoder services in this docker-compose require Auth0 configuration for M2M calls, our docker-compose file passes environment variables AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET, AUTH0_URL, AUTH0_AUDIENCE, AUTH0_PROXY_SERVER_URL to its containers. docker-compose takes them from .env file if provided.

    • docker-compose automatically would create Kafka topics which are used by tc-project-service listed in local/full/kafka-client/topics.txt.

    • To view the logs from any container inside docker-compose use the following command, replacing SERVICE_NAME with the corresponding value under the Name column in the above table:

      npm run services:log -- -f SERVICE_NAME
    • If you want to modify the code of any of the services which are run inside this docker-compose file, you can stop such service inside docker-compose by command docker-compose -f local/full/docker-compose.yml stop -f <SERVICE_NAME> and run the service separately, following its README file.

    • We also have a minimal docker-compose which doesn't start all the required services. Use it only if are sure that you don't need all the services.

      Click to see details about minimal docker-compose

      Use this docker-compose if you only want to test and modify code of Project Service and you don't need Elasticsearch (ES) to work.

      Run, in the project root folder:

      docker-compose -f local/light/docker-compose.yml up -d

      This docker-compose file starts the next services:

      Service Name Port
      PostgreSQL db 5432
      Elasticsearch esearch 9200
      Mock Service (not in use) jsonserver 3001

    NOTE: In production these dependencies / services are hosted & managed outside Project Service.

  4. ♻ Init DB, ES and demo data (it clears any existent data)

    npm run local:init

    This command will do 3 things:

    • create Database tables (remove if exists)
    • create Elasticsearch indexes (remove if exists)
    • import demo data from data/demo-data.json
  5. 🚀 Start Project Service

    npm run start:dev

    Runs the Project Service using nodemon, so it would be restarted after any of the files is updated. The project service will be served on http://localhost:8001.

  6. Start Project Service Kafka Consumer

    In another terminal window run:

    npm run startKafkaConsumers:dev
    Click to learn what this service does

    This service run Kafka Consumer which listens to some events and handles the next things:

    • updates lastActivityAt and lastActivityUserId for projects when we make any updates related to the project like updating project, project attachments, project plan, project members create/delete topics and so on
    • create/update/delete topics for phases when we create/update/delete phases
    • update phase progress and duration when milestone is completed
    • see all the Kafka handlers in file src/events/kafkaHandlers.js

Run Connect App with Project Service locally

To be able to run Connect App with the local setup of Project Service we have to do two things:

  1. Configure Connect App to use locally deployed Project service inside connect-app/config/constants/dev.js set

    PROJECTS_API_URL: 'http://localhost:8001'
    TC_NOTIFICATION_URL: 'http://localhost:4000/v5/notifications' # if tc-notfication-api has been locally deployed
  2. Bypass token validation in Project Service.

    In tc-project-service/node_modules/tc-core-library-js/lib/auth/verifier.js add this to line 23:

    callback(undefined, decodedToken.payload);

    Connect App when making requests to the Project Service uses token retrieved from the Topcoder service deployed online. Project Service validates the token. For this purpose Project Service have to know the secret which has been used to generate the token. But we don't know the secret which is used by Topcoder for both DEV and PROD environment. So to bypass token validation we change these lines in the auth library.

    NOTE: this change only let us bypass validation during local development process.

  3. Restart both Connect App and Project Service if they were running.

Import and Export data

📤 Export data

To export data to the default file data/demo-data.json, run:

npm run data:export

If you want to export data to another file, run:

npm run data:export -- --file path/to-file.json
  • List of models that will be exported are defined in scripts/data/dataModels.js. You can add new models to this list, but make sure that new models are added to list such that each model comes after its dependencies.

📥 Import data

During importing, data would be first imported to the database, and after from the database it would be indexed to the Elasticsearch index.

To import data from the default file data/demo-data.json, run:

npm run data:import

If you want to import data from another file, run:

npm run data:import -- --file path/to-file.json
  • As this commands calls topcoder services to get data like members details, so you have to provide environment variables AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET, AUTH0_URL, AUTH0_AUDIENCE, AUTH0_PROXY_SERVER_URL, they would automatically picked up from the .env file if provided.

  • If you encounter conflicts errors during import, you may need to recreated database tables and Elasticssearch indexes by npm run local:reset.

  • List of models that will be imported are defined in scripts/data/dataModels.js. You can add new models to this list, but make sure that new models are added to list such that each model comes after its dependencies.

Import metadata from (deprecated)

CONNECT_USER_TOKEN=<connect user token> npm run import-from-api

To retrieve data from DEV env we have to provide a valid user token (CONNECT_USER_TOKEN). You may login to and find the Bearer token in the request headers using browser dev tools.

This command for importing data uses API to create demo data. Which has a few pecularities:

  • data in DB would be for sure created
  • data in ElasticSearch Index (ES) would be only created if services project-processor-es and tc-bus-api are also started locally. If you don't start them, then imported data wouldn't be indexed in ES, and would be only added to DB. You may start them locally separately, or better use local/full/docker-compose.yml as described next section which would start them automatically.
    • NOTE During data importing a lot of records has to be indexed in ES, so you have to wait about 5-10 minutes after npm run import-from-api is finished until imported data is indexed in ES. You may watch logs of project-processor-es to see if its done or no.

Run via Docker

  1. Build image

    docker build -t tc_projects_services .
  2. Follow all the steps 1 - 4 from steps to run locally. But on the step 2 replace dockerhost with the IP address of the host machine from inside the docker container, see stackoverflow.

    • For macOS and Windows on Docker 18.03+ this should work: replace dockerhost with host.docker.internal.
  3. Start Project Service via Docker by:

    docker run -p 8001:3000 -i -t --env-file .env tc_projects_services start

    The project service will be served on http://localhost:8001.

NPM Commands

Command                    Description
npm run lint Check for for lint errors.
npm run lint:fix Check for for lint errors and fix error automatically when possible.
npm run build Build source code for production run into dist folder.
npm run start Start app in the production mode from prebuilt dist folder.
npm run start:dev Start app in the development mode using nodemon.
npm run startKafkaConsumers Start Kafka consumer app in production mode from prebuilt dist folder.
npm run startKafkaConsumers:dev Start Kafka consumer app in the development mode using nodemon.
npm run test Run tests.
npm run test:watch Run tests and re-run them on changes (not useful now as it re-runs all the test).
npm run reset:db Recreate Database schemas (removes any existent data).
npm run reset:es Recreate Elasticsearch indexes (removes any existent data).
npm run import-from-api Import Metadata from DEV environment, see docs.
npm run es-db-compare Run helper script to compare data in Database and Elasticsearch indexes, see docs.
npm run data:export Export data from Database to file, see docs
npm run data:import Import data from file to Database and index it to Elasticsearch, see docs
npm run services:up Start services via docker-compose for local development.
npm run services:down Stop services via docker-compose for local development.
npm run services:logs -- -f <service_name> View logs of some service inside docker-compose.
npm run local:init Recreate Database and Elasticsearch indexes and populate demo data for local development (removes any existent data).
npm run local:reset Recreate Database and Elasticsearch indexes (removes any existent data).
npm run babel-node-script -- <path/to/script> Helper command which is used by other commands to run node scripts using babel-node and dotenv so variables from .env file are automatically applied.
npm run generate:doc:permissions Generate permissions.html which later can be viewed by link.
npm run generate:doc:permissions:dev Generate permissions.html on any changes (useful during development).

Kafka commands

If you've used Full docker-compose with the file local/full/docker-compose.yml during local setup to spawn kafka & zookeeper, you can use the following commands to manipulate kafka topics and messages: (Replace TOPIC_NAME with the name of the desired topic)

Create Topic

docker exec tc-projects-kafka /opt/kafka/bin/ --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --topic TOPIC_NAME

List Topics

docker exec tc-projects-kafka /opt/kafka/bin/ --list --zookeeper zookeeper:2181

Watch Topic

docker exec  tc-projects-kafka /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic TOPIC_NAME

Post Message to Topic (from stdin)

docker exec -it tc-projects-kafka /opt/kafka/bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic TOPIC_NAME
  • Enter or copy/paste the message into the console after starting this command.


npm run test

Tests are being executed with the NODE_ENV environment variable has a value test and config/test.js configuration is loaded.

Each of the individual modules/services are unit tested.

JWT Authentication

Authentication is handled via Authorization (Bearer) token header field. Token is a JWT token. Here is a sample token that is valid for a very long time for a user with administrator role.


It's been signed with the secret 'secret'. This secret should match your entry in config/local.js. You can generate your own token using

Performance Testing



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