Copy-paste following command in SSH console and press Enter key. The script will install and configure modesmixer2.
(1) For 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS / 32-bit Kali Linux Arm OS / 32-bit Arch Linux Arm OS:
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"
(2) For 64 Bit Raspberry Pi OS / 64-bit Kali Linux Arm OS / 64-bit Arch Linux Arm OS:
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"
(3) For Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64), Kali Linux 2020 amd64, & Archlinux-2021 (x86_64) :
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"
(4) For Debian 10.5 (x86_64):
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"
After script finishes, it displays following message
(1) If installed on RPi, in your browser, go to web interface at http://ip-of-pi:8787.
(2) If installed on Ubuntu20, in browser of Ubuntu go to web interface at http://localhost:8787 or
(3) Open file for editing by following command:
sudo nano /usr/share/mm2/mm2.conf
Add following line:
--location xx.xxxx:yy.yyyy
(Replace xx.xxxx and yy.yyyy by your
actual latitude and longitude)
After entering location, Save (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x) file md2.conf
then restart mm2 by following command:
sudo systemctl restart mm2
To see status sudo systemctl status mm2
To restart sudo systemctl restart mm2
To stop sudo systemctl stop mm2
The configuration file can be edited by following command;
sudo nano /usr/share/mm2/mm2.conf
Default contents of config file
Default setting are for a decoder like dump1090-mutability or dump1090-fa running on the RPi.
This can be changed by editing config file
You can add extra arguments, one per line starting with --
--web 8787
To see all config parameters
modesmixer2 --help
The maximum coverage curve data is stored in file distances.json
. If you want to clear the coverage plot and start a fresh plot, stop mm2, delete this file and start mm2. Upon start, when mm2 does not find file distances.json
, it creates it's new blank copy, and start populating it with fresh data.
IMPORTANT: Stop mm2 before deleting the file distances.json
sudo systemctl stop mm2
sudo rm /distances.json
(For installation made before February 23, 2021)
sudo rm /usr/share/mm2/distances.json
(For installation made on or after February 23, 2021)
sudo systemctl start mm2
To completely remove configuration and all files, give following 6 commands:
sudo systemctl stop mm2
sudo systemctl disable mm2
sudo rm /lib/systemd/system/mm2.service
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/mm2
sudo rm /usr/bin/modesmixer2
sudo userdel mm2