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TypeScript loader for SystemJS

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A plugin for SystemJS which enables you to System.import TypeScript files directly. The files are compiled in the browser and compilation errors written to the console.

Starting with JSPM 0.17.0 (currently in beta) this plugin will be the officially supported mechanism for transpiling TypeScript. It provides the ability to type-check files while loading them, which is not currently possible with the built-in SystemJS TypeScript transpiler.

plugin-typescript uses TypeScript ^2.0.0
For TypeScript 1.8.1 use plugin-typescript 4.0.16
For TypeScript 1.7.5 and below use plugin-typescript 2.x.x



Install plugin-typescript like this:

jspm install ts

All the SystemJS configuration will be created automatically by JSPM.

If you are using SystemJS without JSPM

Add SystemJS map configuration for plugin-typescript and typescript:

  packages: {
    "ts": {
      "main": "plugin.js"
    "typescript": {
      "main": "lib/typescript.js",
      "meta": {
        "lib/typescript.js": {
          "exports": "ts"
  map: {
    "ts": "path/to/plugin-typescript/lib/",
    "typescript": "path/to/typescript/lib/"


Make plugin-typescript the default transpiler for js and ts files

  transpiler: "ts"
  packages: {
    "app": {
      "defaultExtension": "ts",

This will tell SystemJS to transpile all modules (.js and .ts) using plugin-typescript.

Plus: for full type-checking add packages configuration

  transpiler: "ts",
  packages: {
    "src": {
      "defaultExtension": "ts",
      "meta": {
        "*.ts": {
          "loader": "ts"

This will cause all .ts files in the "src" package to be loaded through plugin-typescript.

See the example projects contained within this repository for a working setup.


Configuration settings can be passed to the compiler via "typescriptOptions":

  typescriptOptions: {
    module: "system",
    noImplicitAny: true,
    typeCheck: true,				// also accepts "strict"
    tsconfig: true                  // also accepts a path

All the usual TypeScript compiler options are supported, as well as these additional ones:


A boolean flag which controls whether the files are type-checked or simply transpiled. Type-checking does add some overhead to the build process as typings need to be loaded and the compiler has more work to do.

By default compiler errors are written to the console but the build is allowed to continue. To change this behaviour you can use typeCheck: "strict" in which case the build will be failed when compiler errors are encountered.


A boolean flag which instructs the plugin to load configuration from "tsconfig.json". To override the location of the file set this option to the path of the configuration file, which will be resolved using normal SystemJS resolution.

Compiler options which do not conflict with those required by plugin-typescript will be loaded from the compilerOptions section of the file. Any declaration files contained in the files array will also be loaded if type-checking is enabled.


The types compiler option tells the type-checker which packages have typings available under the @types scoped package. As an example if you have installed typings at @types/react then add react to the array of strings:

  "typescriptOptions": {
    "types": ["react"]

To install typings from @types using jspm:

jspm install npm:@types/react


The typings compiler option tells the type-checker which packages contain their own typings and where they are located, it is an object map:

"typescriptOptions": {
  "typings": {
    "rxjs": "Rx.d.ts",				// relative to root of package
    "myownpackage": true			// all js files have typings with the same name

If a package contains typings for all js files in the package then the value should be set to true, otherwise it should contain the path of the bundled typings file, relative to the root of the project.

It is also possible to configure this using SystemJS metadata which can be configured in packages configuration, or in package.json overrides, or in the jspm registry.

"overrides": {
  "npm:@angular/core@2.0.0-rc.6": {
    "meta": {
      "bundles/core.umd.js": {
        "typings": "index.d.ts"

For more information on setting SystemJS metadata, see here


Hot-Reload support

This plugin provides incremental type-checking when using systemjs-hot-reloader See any of the example projects for a working hot-reloading setup.

Rollup support

Rollup is supported when transpiling with module: "es6". It can help to reduce the size of your bundles by stripping out unused modules. For more information see here

Link to source from compiler errors

When compiling in the browser, compiler errors contain a link to the exact location of the error in the source. This is particularly helpful if you are using Chrome DevTools as your IDE.

Type-checking over multiple packages

The type-checker runs across multiple packages if the imported file resolves to a typescript file. This means that if you do import "mypackage/index" and that resolves to a typescript file then that import will be properly type-checked. You no longer have to handcraft an external declaration file for 'mypackage'.

Override TypeScript version

To override the version of TypeScript used by the plugin, add an override to the jspm section of your package.json

	"devDependencies": {
		"css": "systemjs/plugin-css@0.1.10",
		"ts": "frankwallis/plugin-typescript@^5.0.1"
	"overrides": {
		"github:frankwallis/plugin-typescript@5.0.1": {
	 		"dependencies": {
	    		"typescript": "npm:typescript@2.1.0-dev.20160730"


To run the example projects:

> git clone
> cd plugin-typescript
> npm install
> cd examples/react  		// or examples/angular2 or examples/angular
> jspm install
> npm start

To bundle each example project:

> npm run build 			// or jspm build src build/build.js


TypeScript loader for SystemJS







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  • TypeScript 69.7%
  • JavaScript 30.3%