Built from https://github.com/carbonplan/simple-map-demo demo of using the @carbonplan/maps
Prequisites: nvm, npm, pip
- Create the Zarr and ndpyramid using notebooks/create-zarr-with-pangeo-forge.ipynb
- Run an http server for the Zarr (assuming local storage)
- Run the next.js app to visualize the Zarr
cd data
# if you haven't installed the server already
# $ npm install http-server -g
http-server -p 8000 --cors
Open a new terminal.
nvm use 12
npm i
npm run dev
Deployment has been automated using AWS Amplify Web Hosting: https://main.d36v6mb9ch6nge.amplifyapp.com/
It was of interest to visualize COGs using the same library as visualizing Zarr, to see datasets of both underlying format in one map viewer.
To do this, I generated a COG using veda-data-pipelines: GPM IMERG example and changes to @carbonplan/maps detailed here: carbonplan/maps#41