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All Lending Club Loan Data 🎓

Dataset: Lending Club Loan Data

Column Description: LC Data Dictionary

For Collaboration 🍴


File Structuring

  • DataSet: Include all .csv files. Also, find the LCDataDictionary.xlsx file for column information.

    • Note: After adding any dataset, review the .gitignore file to avoid committing large datasets.
  • RMarkDownHTML: Folder for all .Rmd files. Please work in this folder.

  • RMarkdownHTML: Folder to store all HTMLs knitted from .Rmd scripts.

  • RMarkdownHTML/ Once you complete an HTML answering a SMART question, document it in with the purpose of that HTML and your name. This will help in navigating and compiling a single HTML later. Use Markdown Live Prieview to see a preview before commiting.


  • Each collaborator should create their own branch from the main branch with the branch name in the format LastName-FirstName to facilitate easy merge requests.

  • Before making changes, check if anyone else is working on the same file. It's best for each person to work on a separate file. After completing your work, push your branch. Once reviewed, we can merge it into the main branch to avoid merge conflicts.


1. Loan Default Prediction

  • loan_status: This column reflects the current status of the loan, such as "Fully Paid", "Charged Off", "Default", etc. It is commonly used for predicting whether a loan will default or be paid back.

    • Targets: Charged Off, Fully Paid, Default, etc.
  • charged_off (binary flag you may create): Convert the loan_status into a binary variable (e.g., 1 for default/charged off, 0 for fully paid) to train a classification model.

2. Hardship or Financial Distress Prediction

  • hardship_flag: This indicates whether the borrower has faced financial hardship (Y/N). You can use this as a target for predicting borrowers who are likely to face financial distress.

  • debt_settlement_flag: This indicates whether the borrower has entered into a debt settlement (Y/N). You can use this to predict which borrowers may seek debt settlement.

3. Loan Prepayment Prediction

  • loan_status (focus on Fully Paid or Current with early prepayment): You can predict if a borrower will fully pay off the loan ahead of time.

  • total_rec_prncp vs. loan_amnt: If a borrower pays off the principal (total_rec_prncp) early compared to the total loan amount (loan_amnt), this could indicate prepayment behavior.

4. Interest Rate Prediction

  • int_rate: The interest rate on the loan can be used as a target if you're trying to predict loan pricing based on borrower characteristics, credit history, etc.

5. Borrower Risk/Grade Prediction

  • grade: The loan grade (A, B, C, etc.) assigned by Lending Club, representing the perceived credit risk of the borrower, can be a target for classifying or predicting risk levels.

  • sub_grade: More granular than grade, this offers finer levels of credit risk, such as A1, A2, etc., and could serve as a target.

Other Potential Targets:

  • recoveries: The amount recovered from a charged-off loan can be a target for predicting the recovery amount.
  • term: The loan term (36 months or 60 months) could be used to predict whether borrowers prefer short- or long-term loans based on their profiles.


Task Assignee Branch Name Status (❓, 🔄, ✅)
Git Setup Singh, Aakash Main ✅ Done
Invistigate Dataset Singh, Aakash singh-aakash ✅ Done
Completed Intial Phase Singh, Aakash singh-aakash ✅ Done
Merge with Main Branch Singh, Aakash singh-aakash ✅ Done
Merge All the branches Singh, Aakash singh-aakash ✅ Done
Compile one Rmd File All Main ✅ Done
Publish the work All Main ✅ Done


Aakash Singh
Aakash Singh

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