To create a classification model which can classify various caffeine products into numerous coffee types from its FTIR data. To train a validated classification model on the Infrared Spectroscopy of various caffeine products from different classes of coffee types
- A quick fast and effecient test for product classification as well as quality control of the product.
- Provide a way to classify the product without causing any damage to the product.
- This is where The FTIR Spectroscopes step in. They provide a very detailed chemical composition of the product at the same time uses a very small amount of the product, but also does not cause any damage to it.
- Find IR Spectroscopy values for various classes of caffeine products.
- Apply FTIR pre-processing algorithms such as smootening, interpolatation, SNV normalization to eliminate noise, normalize the intensities and wavelnegths.
- Validate Dimensionalty Reduction and Data split
- Validate multiple Classification models for optimum parameters to achieve maximum accuracy and finally build a classification model to classify caffeine products.
- Visualize FTIR Spectroscopes and Final Model.
pip install requirements.txt