Project for the Software Engineering course of Computer Science faculty. Academic year 2021/2022 [University of Salerno, Italy][1].
NetPharma is an e-commerce for the sale of over-the-counter (OTC) medications. The project aims to design the web platform following all the good principles of Software Engineering. All the documents produced during the development can be found in the Deliverables folder. In the Implementazione folder, you will find the code for some of the designed features. In the Database folder, you can explore the structure of the database on which we have based our work.
- Sabato Bene - Harley-ux
- Lidia Cozzolino - lcozz
- Riccardo Napoli - rnapoli00
- Alessandro Penna - a-penna
- Apache Tomcat v9.0 - Used as a web server.
- MySQL v8.0.23 - Used as a DBMS.
- Bootstrap v4.5.2 - For page styling and responsiveness.
- Selenium v4.1.2 - For system testing phase.
- JUnit 5 - For unit testing of DAOs.
- Mockito v4.3.1 - For unit testing of Servlets.
- h2 v2.0.202 - Used as an in-memory relational DBMS for unit testing phase.
[1] : Being a project for the University of Salerno, all the documentation is written in italian.