- [Project Overview] (#project-overview)
- [Technologies Used] (#technologies-used)
- [Installation and Setup] (#installation-and-setup)
- [Usage] (#usage)
SnackHack is a web application where users can sign up, log in, and interact with recipe creations. This helps students and groups of people reduce food waste by generating recipes with available ingredients inputted. SnackHack's sign up and log in page comes from https://youtu.be/F53MPHqOmYI?si=ijYkbFI53usAxJHV.
- Frontend: React, Axios, React Router
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database: MySQL
- Styling: Bootstrap
Make sure you have the following installed: -Node.js -MySQL -XAMPP (if using for MySQL)
-git clone https://github.com/your-username/snack-hack.git -cd snack-hack
-Navigate to backend with cd snackhack-backend -Install dependencies with npm install -Start the MySQL server and create database named signup with login table -Start backend server with npm start
-In a seperate terminal from backend, while running, navigate to frontend with with cd ../frontend -Install dependencies with npm install -Start frontend server with npm start
-Open http://localhost:3000 in browser -Sign up, log in, and use SnackHack!