Welcome to the GitHub page of my project! What you can find in this repository, is the project I had to complete for the 3rd semester "Database Systems" course at the University of Vienna. Keep in mind, this is the first time I have done anything like this, so if my database layout is not completely logical it's because of that, but I definetly realized some of the problems I had initially and I probably wouldn't make similar mistakes the next time I had to do something similar.
This project was made up of a couple of different parts. At the beginning of the semester we had to make a concept of a database using an Entity-Relationship model, then reform this diagram to a relational model, and at the end implement this as SQL code. After I had my database ready in SQL, I had to create a Java application, that filled up the relations of the database with semi-random data. Furthermore I also had to create a website using HTML5, CSS and PHP, which is able to access said database and is able to perform Create, Read, Update and Delete operations.
EDIT: The database account was only maintained for the duration of the course, hence the website is not reachable anymore :(
This website and the database is hosted on the servers of the university (Almighty), and therefore the SQL dialect I had to use was specified by their database, which is Oracle SQL. In the following paragraphs I will describe each section of the project in detail.
The picture above depicts the initial ER Model of the database in Chen-notation. In the description document you can find the textual description of this model, the transformed relational model and the physical SQL model can be found in sources/sql
. Running the create script will establish all relations of the database and it also includes a trigger, a couple of views and a generator. This database was hosted on the server of the university for the project.
The goal of the Java program was to fill up the relations of the completed database with semi-random data. The files can be found in sources/java
. In the resources
folder I have saved some CSV files, that I'm going to be using to create the data I will be inserting into the database. The src
folder contains the program code.
To achieve my goal I have created 4 different classes:
- Its task is to sustain the communication to the database. Its class methods are performing the data inserts/reads using OJDBC, which is required if you want to run the program yourself!RandomDataGenerator.java
- This class reads in the CSV files found in resources upon initialization, and an instance can be used to generate fake data for the insertion proceduresTheaterRoom.java
- I had to return a list of the theater rooms I had in the database, therefore I required a class that saved the attributes of a single room.Main.java
- This is the client. It performs all the insertion operations using the other 3 classes.
To create the website I have used HTML5, CSS and PHP. This website is hosted on the servers of the University of Vienna. The main website is saved in the ìndex.php
file, and it includes a login screen and an option to redirect the user to the registration page. The user's age and name is saved in the "Kunde" relation in the database and on login tries to find an entry that has a matching name with the string entered in the login textbox. If it finds a matching entry, the user is redirected to the logged-in screen. Using the "admin" name for the login, the user gets redirected to an admin interface. The user logged-in screen has an option to list the first 20 movies that will be shown at one of the movie theaters and also includes a logout button. The admin screen has the options to modify the cashier, cleaner and technician relations, by inserting new entries into them, deleting or modifying existing entries, or listing other entries that meet the given search criteria.
- The main websiteregister.php
- The registration websiteDatabaseHelper.php
- This PHP class is similar in its task to the DatabaseHelper class from Java, as in it is responsible for handling the communication with the database. Here I use OCI8 to establish this connection.styles.css
- Self-explanatory, I save the CSS designs in a separate file- There is also a folder for each of the CRUD operations, which have a main page PHP file and a form php file. The form php file has functions that return a string for a required HTML form. These forms require inputs from the user to give parameters to the operations.
Alltogether I really enjoyed working on this project, and it really helped me evolve my skills as a programmer. There are a bunch of new skills I've learned during this project, including
- The process of modelling a database
- Relational algebra
- Oracle SQL
- PHP with OCI8
Thank you for checking out my repository!