Cyphal communicator is a ROS package that connects the Cyphal HITL autopilot interface and a simulator interface (based on ROS, ArduPilot JSON, etc).
The Cyphal communicator is primailry intended for ArduPilot/PX4 Cyphal HITL simulation, but it can be used for other purposes as well.
Minimal technical requirements
- Communicator node: ROS-noetic, ubuntu 20.04
- Autopilot hardware: CUAV V5+
- CAN-sniffer: handle at least 2500 CAN frames/sec
- 1. Communicator Cyphal and ROS Interfaces
- 2. PX4 Cyphal interface
- 3. Disign
- 4. Redundancy
- 5. Installation
- 6. Running
- 7. Usage example
Cyphal interface on the communicator node can be illustrated with Yukon gui tool as shown below:
Here green topics are publishers, red topics are subscribers, gray topics are RPC-services.
The following Cyphal interface is supported for a minimal quadrotor application:
1. Actuator
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
udral/actuator | sub.setpoint sub.readiness |
udral.service.actuator.common.sp.Vector31 reg.udral.service.common.Readiness zubax.telega.CompactFeedback |
ROS-interface for necessary setpoint and readiness:
flowchart LR
setpoint[ setpoint, reg.udral.service.actuator.common.sp.Vector8] --> F(SetpointCyphalToRos) --> actuators_raw[ /uav/actuators_raw, sensor_msgs/Joy]
readiness[ readiness, reg.udral.service.common.Readiness] --> R(ReadinessCyphalToRos) --> arm[ /uav/arm, std_msgs::Bool]
ROS-interface for auxilliary ESC feedback:
flowchart LR
esc_status[ /uav/esc_status, mavros_msgs/ESCTelemetryItem] --> EscStatusRosToCyphal(EscStatusRosToCyphal)
EscStatusRosToCyphal --> esc_feedback_0[ esc_feedback_0, zubax.telega.CompactFeedback]
EscStatusRosToCyphal --> esc_feedback_n[ ...]
EscStatusRosToCyphal --> esc_feedback_7[ esc_feedback_7, zubax.telega.CompactFeedback]
2. IMU
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
imu | pub.accelerometer pub.gyro | |
flowchart LR
imu[ /uav/imu, sensor_msgs/Imu] --> F(ImuRosToCyphal)
F(ImuRosToCyphal) --> gyro[ gyro,]
F(ImuRosToCyphal) --> accel[ accel,]
3. Magnetometer
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
Magnetometer | pub.mag | |
flowchart LR
imu[ /uav/mag, sensor_msgs/MagneticField] --> F(MagRosToCyphal) --> mag[ mag,]
4. Barometer
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
Barometer | pub.pressure pub.temperature | |
flowchart LR
static_temperature[ /uav/static_temperature, std_msgs/Float32] --> BaroRosToCyphal(BaroRosToCyphal) --> baro_temperature[ baro_temperature,]
static_pressure[ /uav/static_pressure, std_msgs/Float32] --> BaroRosToCyphal --> baro_pressure[ baro_pressure,]
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
udral/gnss | pub.point pub.status pub.sats pub.pdop |
reg.udral.physics.kinematics.geodetic.PointStateVarTs uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16 uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16 uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16 |
flowchart LR
yaw[ /uav/yaw, std_msgs/Float32] --> GpsRosToCyphal(GpsRosToCyphal) --> gps_yaw[ gps_yaw,]
point[ /uav/gps_point, sensor_msgs/NavSatFix] --> GpsRosToCyphal
GpsRosToCyphal --> gps_status[ gps_status, uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16]
GpsRosToCyphal --> gps_point[ gps_point, reg.udral.physics.kinematics.geodetic.PointStateVarTs]
velocity[ /uav/velocity, geometry_msgs/Twist] --> GpsRosToCyphal --> gps_point[ gps_point, reg.udral.physics.kinematics.geodetic.PointStateVarTs]
GpsRosToCyphal --> gps_sats[ gps_sats, uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16]
GpsRosToCyphal --> gps_pdop[ gps_pdop, uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16]
The following Cyphal allows to run VTOL application and add a few auxilliary features:
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
Udral/rgbled | sub.rgbled | reg.udral.physics.optics.HighColor |
ROS-interface not supported yet
7. Airspeed (including Differential Pressure)
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
udral/airspeed | pub.aspd.cas pub.aspd.tas pub.aspd.dpres pub.aspd.temperature | |
ROS-interface for Airspeed:
flowchart LR
tas[ /uav/airspeed/tas, std_msgs/Float32] --> AirspeedRosToCyphal(AirspeedRosToCyphal)
cas[ /uav/airspeed/cas, std_msgs/Float32] --> AirspeedRosToCyphal(AirspeedRosToCyphal)
cas[ /uav/static_temperature, std_msgs/Float32] --> AirspeedRosToCyphal(AirspeedRosToCyphal)
AirspeedRosToCyphal --> aspd_tas[ aspd.tas,]
AirspeedRosToCyphal --> aspd_cas[ aspd.cas,]
AirspeedRosToCyphal --> aspd_temp[ aspd.temp,]
ROS-interface for Differential Pressure:
flowchart LR
dpres[ /uav/raw_air_data, std_msgs/Float32] --> DiffPressureRosToCyphal(DiffPressureRosToCyphal)
DiffPressureRosToCyphal --> aspd_dpres[ aspd.dpres,]
8. Battery
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message | Rate |
Udral/Battery | pub.energy_source pub.battery_status pub.battery_parameters |
reg.udral.physics.electricity.SourceTs reg.udral.service.battery.Status reg.udral.service.battery.Parameters |
1...100 ~1 ~0.2 |
flowchart LR
battery[ /uav/battery, sensor_msgs/BatteryState] --> BatteryRosToCyphal(BatteryRosToCyphal)
BatteryRosToCyphal --> energy_source[ energy_source, reg.udral.physics.electricity.SourceTs]
BatteryRosToCyphal --> battery_status[ battery_status, reg.udral.service.battery.Status]
BatteryRosToCyphal --> battery_parameters[ battery_parameters, reg.udral.service.battery.Parameters]
9. Rangefinder
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message | Rate |
Rangefinder | pub.range | |
flowchart LR
tas[ /uav/height, std_msgs/Float32] --> RangefinderRosToCyphal(RangefinderRosToCyphal)
RangefinderRosToCyphal --> aspd_tas[ aspd.tas,]
The actual Cyphal interface on the PX4 node configured in VTOL octoplane coaxial can be illustrated with Yukon gui tool:
Here green topics are publishers, red topics are subscribers, gray topics are RPC-services. A few topics disabled topics are not shown to make an image more compact.
1. Actuator
Cyphal interface:
Interface | PX4's Port | Message |
udral/actuator | pub.udral.esc.0 pub.udral.readiness.0 ... |
udral.service.actuator.common.sp.Vector31 reg.udral.service.common.Readiness zubax.telega.CompactFeedback . |
Related PX4 parameters:
Name | Description |
UCAN1_ESC_PUB | Cyphal ESC publication port ID |
UCAN1_READ_PUB | Cyphal ESC readiness publication port ID |
UCAN1_FB0_SUB | Cyphal ESC 0 zubax feedback port ID |
... | ... |
UCAN1_FB7_SUB | Cyphal ESC 7 zubax feedback port ID |
On PX4 side actuators logic is implemented within UavcanEscController, ReadinessPublisher and UavcanEscFeedbackSubscriber drivers.
2. IMU
Cyphal interface:
Interface | PX4's Port | Message |
imu | sub.udral.imu.0 sub.udral.imu.accel.0 sub.udral.imu.gyro.0 |
uavcan.primitive.array.Real16.1.0 |
Related PX4 parameters:
Name | Description |
UCAN1_IMU_SUB | Udral IMU 0 subscription port ID |
UCAN1_ACCEL_SUB | Udral Accelerometer 0 subscription port ID |
UCAN1_GYRO_SUB | Udral Gyroscope 0 subscription port ID |
On PX4 side IMU logic is implemented within UavcanAccelerometerSubscriber and UavcanGyroscopeSubscriber drivers.
3. Magnetometer
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
Magnetometer | sub.udral.mag.0 | |
Related PX4 parameters:
Name | Description |
UCAN1_MAG_SUB | Udral Magnetometer 0 subscription port ID |
On PX4 side IMU logic is implemented within UavcanMagnetometerSubscriber driver.
4. Barometer
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
Barometer | sub.baro.pressure.0 sub.baro.temperature.0 | |
Related PX4 parameters:
Name | Description |
UCAN1_BAROP0_SUB | Barometer 0 pressure subscription ID |
UCAN1_BAROT0_SUB | Barometer 0 temperature subscription ID |
On PX4 side IMU logic is implemented within UavcanBarometerSubscriber driver.
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
udral/gnss | sub.gps.point.0 sub.gps.status.0 sub.gps.sats.0 sub.gps.pdop.0 |
reg.udral.physics.kinematics.geodetic.PointStateVarTs uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16 uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16 uavcan.primitive.scalar.Integer16 |
Related PX4 parameters:
Name | Description |
UCAN1_GPS0_SUB | GPS 0 subscription port ID |
UCAN1_GPSPD0_SUB | GPS 0 pdop subscription port ID |
UCAN1_GPSSA0_SUB | GPS 0 sats subscription port ID |
UCAN1_GPSST0_SUB | GPS 0 status subscription port ID |
On PX4 side GNSS logic is implemented within UavcanGnssSubscriber driver.
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
Udral/rgbled | pub.udral.rgbled.0 | reg.udral.physics.optics.HighColor |
Related PX4 parameters:
Name | Description |
UCAN1_RGBLED_PUB | Cyphal RGB Controller port ID |
On PX4 side RGB LED logic is implemented within RGBControllerPublisher driver.
7. Airspeed (including Differential Pressure)
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message |
udral/airspeed | sub.udral.aspd.cas.0 sub.udral.aspd.tas.0 sub.udral.aspd.dpres.0 sub.udral.aspd.temperature.0 | |
Name | Description |
UCAN1_ATAS0_SUB | Udral Airspeed TAS 0 subscription port ID |
UCAN1_ACAS0_SUB | Udral Airspeed CAS 0 subscription port ID |
UCAN1_ATEM0_SUB | Udral Airspeed Temperature 0 subscription port ID |
On PX4 side Airspeed logic is implemented within UavcanAirspeedSubscriber driver.
Name | Description |
UCAN1_DPRES0_SUB | UDRAL Differential pressure 0 subscription ID |
UCAN1_DPRES1_SUB | UDRAL Differential pressure 0 subscription ID |
On PX4 side Differential Pressure logic is implemented within UavcanDiffPressureSubscriber driver.
8. Battery
Cyphal interface:
Interface | Communicator's Port | Message | Rate |
Udral/Battery | sub.udral.energy_source.0 sub.udral.battery_status.0 sub.udral.battery_parameters.0 |
reg.udral.physics.electricity.SourceTs reg.udral.service.battery.Status reg.udral.service.battery.Parameters |
1...100 ~1 ~0.2 |
Related PX4 parameters:
Name | Description |
UCAN1_BMS_BP_SUB | UDRAL battery paramteters source subscription ID |
UCAN1_BMS_BS_SUB | UDRAL battery status source subscription ID |
UCAN1_BMS_ESC_SUB | UDRAL battery energy source subscription ID |
On PX4 side Battery logic is implemented within UavcanBmsSubscriber driver.
9. Rangefinder
Cyphal interface:
Interface | PX4's Port | Message |
Rangefinder | sub.udral.range.0 | |
On PX4 side Rangefinder logic is implemented within RangefinderSubscriber driver.
The package is designed to support a new type of simulator or autopilot interface just in case.
It has an autopilot interface that is represented with Cyphal HITL at the moment. It supports both PX4 and ArduPilot.
It has ROS (noetic) interface for UAV HITL simulator. It is suitable for PX4 (mainly mainteined) and ArduPilot (not well tested though).
In the main file, the application converts data from one interface to another and vice versa.
The structural relationship between the interfaces is shown in the figure below:
| Application entry point (src/main.c) .cfile |
| |
+------+-------+------+ +------+-------+------+-------+-------+-----+
| Autopilot interface | | Simulator interface |
+------+-------+------+ +------+-------+------+-------+-------+-----+
| | |
+------+-------+------+ +------+------+------+ +--------+---------+
| Cyphal HITL | | ROS interface | | AP_JSON |
| autopilot interface | | UAV HITL simulator | | Gazebo |
| (PX4 and ArduPilot) | | (PX4/ArduPilot) | | (ArduPilot only) |
+------+-------+------+ +------+------+------+ +--------+---------+
AP_JSON interface is not supported at the moment.
It is considered to migrate on ROS 2 later, so a new simulator interface may appear.
Cyphal/CAN communication allows to provide a few options of redundancy implementation.
Firstly, it allows multiple instances of sensors to be used. While the number of UART/I2C sensors connected to an autopilot is limited by the number of physical connectors on the autopilot, you are free to use multiple sensors on the CAN-bus: 2 GNSS sensors, 2 airspeed sensors, multiple rangefinders and navigation lights distributed around the vehicle and controlled by the autopilot - these are perfectly fine.
At the moment, the cyphal communicator and the custom branch of PX4-Autopilot supports 2 airspeed (differential pressure) sensors to demonstate this possibility and test it. You are free to extend it by adding an additional subject.
Secondly, redundancy can be provided by designing an UAV with more motors than the minimum required for flight. If one motor fails, the remaining motors can compensate for the loss of thrust, allowing the vehicle to maintain stability and control. One common approach is to build a hexacopter (six motors) or an octocopter (eight motors) instead of a quadcopter (four motors). With additional motors, the quadcopter can continue to fly even if one or more motors fail.
At the moment, Cyphal communicator as well as Cyphal/UDRAL are limited by 31 motors, though this number can be increased by using an additional control group or extending UDRAL specification. PX4 are limited by 16 motors, that is enough for most of the applications.
As an example, HITL simulator supports octocopter airframe to demostrate this possibility.
Thirdly, the redundancy can be provided by using an additional physical interface (transport layer). It can be second or third CAN-bus, or even another interface such as Cyphal/Serial or Cyphal/UDP.
The cyphal communicator allows to use multiple interfaces. By default it is based on vitual CAN-interface with name slcan0
. You can specify another number of the interface and run an additional instance. PX4 capabilities are based on the specific hardware, but modern versions of the hardware typically have 2 CAN-buses.
Before running the communicator, you need to do 3 things:
- Create virtual CAN. It is expected that you are using CAN-sniffer device such as UAVCAN sniffer and programmer. An example of script that creates SLCAN is scripts/ This script automatically detect a connected device and create
port. You should create virtual CAN once after each sniffer connection to your PC. - Configure environment variables. This step is required for setting subjects port id and few pathes. As an example, you can run
source scripts/
. You should call this script in each shell session.
After these steps you are able to run the communicator.
You should connect a CAN-sniffer to an autopilot as shown below:
You should create slcan0.
Then run the communicator using the launch file:
roslaunch cyphal_communicator cyphal_communicator.launch
Below you can see an example of using the cyphal_communicator in conjunction with a VTOL dynamics simulator.
The Cyphal Communicator project is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3