This is a Pytorch implementation for paper "High-Resolution Image Inpainting using Multi-Scale Neural Patch Synthesis"
3.6/3.7 -
1.1.0 -
0.3.0 -
This is the python code for High-Resolution Image Inpainting using Multi-Scale Neural Patch Synthesis. The code is adapted from Faster-High-Res-Neural-Inpainting. Given an image, we use the content and texture network to jointly infer the missing region.
Download the pre-trained models (trained on 6000 pictures from Paris StreetView for 25 epoches) for the content and texture networks and put them under the folder model/.
Run the Demo
cd Pytorch-Implement-Faster-High-Res-Neural-Inpainting
# This will use the trained model to generate the output
python --content_path "For_test/001101_2.jpg" (Path of your picture)
# Because sample models we provided was trained on 6000 pictures from dataset Paris StreetView,
# We recommend that you use pictures with street views to run the demo.
# For your convenience, we provide Street pictures not in the training set for you to run the
# demo in the folder "For_test"
- The results will be in the folder "pic_result" which including some intermediate results. The final reulst will be named as "result".
[1]. Yang, Chao and Lu, Xin and Lin, Zhe and Shechtman, Eli and Wang, Oliver and Li, Hao. High-Resolution Image Inpainting using Multi-ScaleNeural PatchSynthesis[C].//The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2017