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 $ npm install

Running the app

$ npm run start:dev

Do not forget to setup configuration files (.env)

Environmental variables


These are the configurations for the database connection.

  • DATABASE_USERNAME: The username for the database.
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD: The password for the database.
  • DATABASE_HOST: The host of the database.
  • DATABASE_PORT: The port of the database.
  • DATABASE_NAME: The name of the database.


These are the configurations for the application.

  • APP_PORT: The port on which the application runs.
  • CORS_ORIGIN: The origin allowed to make cross-origin requests.


These are the configurations for JSON Web Tokens.

  • JWT_SECRET: The secret key used to sign the tokens.
  • JWT_TOKEN_EXPIRE: The duration after which the token expires.


These are the configurations for password encryption.

  • PASSWORD_SALT_ROUNDS: The number of rounds for the salt.
  • ADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD: The default password for the admin.


These are the configurations for the SendGrid service.

  • SENDGRID_API_KEY: The API key for the SendGrid service.
  • SENDGRID_FROM_EMAIL: The email address from which the emails are sent.
  • SENDGRID_OTP_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the OTP email.
  • SENDGRID_UPDATE_USER_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the update password email.
  • SENDGRID_DELETE_USER_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the delete user email.
  • SENDGRID_CAREGIVER_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the caregiver email.
  • SENDGRID_SEEKER_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the seeker email.
  • SENDGRID_SEEKER_APPOINTMENT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the seeker appointment email.
  • SENDGRID_CAREGIVER_APPOINTMENT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the caregiver appointment email.
  • SENDGRID_INSUFFICIENT_APPOINTMENT_CREATION_BALANCE_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the insufficient balance email.
  • SENDGRID_REQUESTED_VIRTUAL_ASSESSMENT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the requested virtual assessment email.
  • SENDGRID_ACCEPTED_VIRTUAL_ASSESSMENT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the accepted virtual assessment email.
  • SENDGRID_REQUESTED_VIRTUAL_ASSESSMENT_RESCHEDULING_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the requested virtual assessment rescheduling email.
  • SENDGRID_ACCEPTED_VIRTUAL_ASSESSMENT_RESCHEDULING_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the accepted virtual assessment rescheduling email.
  • SENDGRID_REJECTED_VIRTUAL_ASSESSMENT_RESCHEDULING_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the rejected virtual assessment rescheduling email.
  • SENDGRID_ASSESSMENT_REMINDER_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the assessment reminder email.
  • SENDGRID_ALL_ADMINS_REJECTED_ACTIVITY_LOG_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the rejected activity log email.
  • SENDGRID_APPOINTMENT_REQUEST_ACCEPT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the appointment request accept email.
  • SENDGRID_APPOINTMENT_REQUEST_REJECT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the appointment request reject email.
  • SENDGRID_APPOINTMENT_REJECT_BY_CLIENT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the appointment reject by client email.
  • SENDGRID_SEEKER_SUBMIT_CONTRACT_PROPOSAL_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the seeker submit contract proposal email.
  • SENDGRID_CAREGIVER_SUBMIT_CONTRACT_PROPOSAL_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the caregiver submit contract proposal email.
  • SENDGRID_SEEKER_ACCEPTED_RESCHEDULED_VIRTUAL_ASSESSMENT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the seeker accepted rescheduled virtual assessment email.
  • SENDGRID_SEEKER_PAYMENT_REMINDER_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the seeker payment reminder email.
  • SENDGRID_ALL_ADMINS_PAYMENT_REMINDER_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the all admins payment reminder email.
  • SENDGRID_CAREGIVER_APPOINTMENT_PAUSED_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the caregiver appointment paused email.
  • SENDGRID_CAREGIVER_RESUME_APPOINTMENT_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the caregiver resume appointment email.
  • SENDGRID_NEW_SEEKER_REVIEW_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the new seeker review email.
  • SENDGRID_SEEKER_REVIEW_REMINDER_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the seeker review reminder email.

Redirect Links

These are the URLs for different redirects in the application.

  • CAREGIVER_REDIRECT_LINK: URL for the caregiver profile page.
  • SEEKER_REDIRECT_LINK: URL for the seeker login page.
  • SEEKER_APPOINTMENT_REDIRECT_LINK: URL for the seeker to create an appointment.
  • CAREGIVER_APPOINTMENT_REDIRECT_LINK: URL for the caregiver's appointment page.
  • SEEKER_UPDATE_VIRTUAL_ASSESSMENT_STATUS_LINK: URL for the seeker to update the status of a virtual assessment.


These are the configurations for the AWS S3 service.

  • AWS_S3_REGION: The region where the S3 bucket is located.
  • AWS_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the S3 bucket.
  • ACCESS_ID: The access ID for the AWS account.
  • AWS_SECRET_KEY: The secret key for the AWS account.
  • AWS_FILES_STORAGE_URL: The URL for the AWS files storage.


    activity {
        string id
        string name
    activity_log {
        string id
        string appointmentId
        enum status
        json tasks
        datetime createdAt
    appointment {
        string id
        string userId
        string caregiverInfoId
        string name
        enum type
        enum status
        string details
        int payment
        string location
        string activityNote
        string diagnosisNote
        string capabilityNote
        timestamp startDate
        timestamp endDate
        string timezone
        string weekday
        timestamp signingDate
        timestamp createdAt
        tinyint paidForFirstHour
        enum debtStatus
        float seekerDebt
    capability {
        string id
        string name
    caregiver_info {
        string id
        json services
        json availability
        int hourlyRate
        string description
        string videoLink
        string userId
        string timeZone
    certificate {
        string id
        string name
        string certificateId
        string link
        string caregiverInfoId
        date dateIssued
        date expirationDate
    default_seeker_task {
        string id
        string name
    diagnosis {
        string id
        string name
    notification {
        string id
        enum message
        datetime createdAt
        string appointmentId
        string receiverId
        string senderId
        tinyint isRead
    seeker_activity {
        string appointmentId
        string activityId
        enum answer
    seeker_capability {
        string appointmentId
        string capabilityId
    seeker_diagnosis {
        string appointmentId
        string diagnosisId
    seeker_review {
        string id
        int rating
        string review
        timestamp createdAt
        string caregiverInfoId
        string userId

    seeker_task {
    string appointmentId PK
    string name PK
seeker_task ||--o{ appointment : appointmentId
transaction_history {
    string id PK
    string userId
    string appointmentId
    enum type
    int amount
    timestamp createdAt
transaction_history ||--o{ user : userId
transaction_history ||--o{ appointment : appointmentId
user {
    string id PK
    string email UQ
    string password
    string firstName
    string lastName
    string phoneNumber UQ
    string dateOfBirth
    tinyint isOpenToSeekerHomeLiving
    enum role
    enum country
    string state
    string city
    string zipCode
    string address
    tinyint isVerified
    string otpCode
    string avatar
    float balance
    timestamp updatedAt
    enum status
    tinyint isDeletedByAdmin
    datetime createdAt

    activity_log ||--o{ appointment : appointmentId
    appointment ||--o{ user : userId
    appointment ||--o{ caregiver_info : caregiverInfoId
    caregiver_info ||--o{ user : userId
    certificate ||--o{ caregiver_info : caregiverInfoId
    notification ||--o{ appointment : appointmentId
    notification ||--o{ user : receiverId
    notification ||--o{ user : senderId
    seeker_activity ||--o{ appointment : appointmentId
    seeker_activity ||--o{ activity : activityId
    seeker_capability ||--o{ appointment : appointmentId
    seeker_capability ||--o{ capability : capabilityId
    seeker_diagnosis ||--o{ appointment : appointmentId
    seeker_diagnosis ||--o{ diagnosis : diagnosisId
    seeker_review ||--o{ user : userId
    seeker_review ||--o{ caregiver_info : caregiverInfoId
    virtual_assessment ||--o{ appointment : appointmentId
    virtual_assessment {
        string id
        time startTime
        time endTime
        date assessmentDate
        string meetingLink
        string status
        string appointmentId
        boolean wasRescheduled
        boolean reschedulingAccepted
    work_experience ||--o{ caregiver_info : caregiverInfoId
    work_experience {
        string id
        string workplace
        string qualifications
        string caregiverInfoId
        date startDate
        date endDate



  • id: Unique identifier for the activity.
  • name: Name of the activity.


  • id: Unique identifier for the activity log.
  • appointmentId: Identifier for the associated appointment.
  • status: Status of the activity (enum).
  • tasks: Tasks associated with the activity (json).
  • createdAt: Date and time when the log was created.


  • id: Unique identifier for the appointment.
  • userId: Identifier for the associated user.
  • caregiverInfoId: Identifier for the associated caregiver.
  • name: Name of the appointment.
  • type: Type of the appointment (enum).
  • status: Status of the appointment (enum).
  • details: Details about the appointment.
  • payment: Payment for the appointment.
  • location: Location of the appointment.
  • activityNote: Note about the activity.
  • diagnosisNote: Note about the diagnosis.
  • capabilityNote: Note about the capability.
  • startDate: Start date and time of the appointment.
  • endDate: End date and time of the appointment.
  • timezone: Timezone of the appointment.
  • weekday: Weekday of the appointment.
  • signingDate: Date and time when the appointment was signed.
  • createdAt: Date and time when the appointment was created.
  • paidForFirstHour: Whether the first hour has been paid for (tinyint).
  • debtStatus: Debt status of the appointment (enum).
  • seekerDebt: Debt of the seeker.


  • id: Unique identifier for the capability.
  • name: Name of the capability.


  • id: Unique identifier for the caregiver info.
  • services: Services provided by the caregiver (json).
  • availability: Availability of the caregiver (json).
  • hourlyRate: Hourly rate of the caregiver.
  • description: Description of the caregiver.
  • videoLink: Video link of the caregiver.
  • userId: Identifier for the associated user.
  • timeZone: Timezone of the caregiver.


  • id: Unique identifier for the certificate.
  • name: Name of the certificate.
  • certificateId: Identifier for the certificate.
  • link: Link to the certificate.
  • caregiverInfoId: Identifier for the associated caregiver info.
  • dateIssued: Date when the certificate was issued.
  • expirationDate: Expiration date of the certificate.


  • id: Unique identifier for the default seeker task.
  • name: Name of the default seeker task.


  • id: Unique identifier for the diagnosis.
  • name: Name of the diagnosis.


  • id: Unique identifier for the notification.
  • message: Message of the notification (enum).
  • createdAt: Date and time when the notification was created.
  • appointmentId: Identifier for the associated appointment.
  • receiverId: Identifier for the receiver of the notification.
  • senderId: Identifier for the sender of the notification.
  • isRead: Whether the notification has been read (tinyint).


  • appointmentId: Identifier for the associated appointment.
  • activityId: Identifier for the associated activity.
  • answer: Answer for the activity (enum).


  • appointmentId: Identifier for the associated appointment.
  • capabilityId: Identifier for the associated capability.


  • appointmentId: Identifier for the associated appointment.
  • diagnosisId: Identifier for the associated diagnosis.


  • id: Unique identifier for the seeker review.
  • rating: Rating given in the review.
  • review: Text of the review.
  • createdAt: Date and time when the review was created.
  • caregiverInfoId: Identifier for the associated caregiver info.
  • userId: Identifier for the associated user.


  • appointmentId: Identifier for the associated appointment (Primary Key).
  • name: Name of the task (Primary Key).


  • id: Unique identifier for the transaction history (Primary Key).
  • userId: Identifier for the associated user.
  • appointmentId: Identifier for the associated appointment.
  • type: Type of the transaction (enum).
  • amount: Amount of the transaction.
  • createdAt: Date and time when the transaction was created.


  • id: Unique identifier for the user (Primary Key).
  • email: Email of the user (Unique).
  • password: Password of the user.
  • firstName: First name of the user.
  • lastName: Last name of the user.
  • phoneNumber: Phone number of the user (Unique).
  • dateOfBirth: Date of birth of the user.
  • isOpenToSeekerHomeLiving: Whether the user is open to seeker home living (tinyint).
  • role: Role of the user (enum).
  • country: Country of the user (enum).
  • state: State of the user.
  • city: City of the user.
  • zipCode: Zip code of the user.
  • address: Address of the user.
  • isVerified: Whether the user is verified (tinyint).
  • otpCode: OTP code for the user.
  • avatar: Avatar of the user.
  • balance: Balance of the user.
  • updatedAt: Date and time when the user was last updated.
  • status: Status of the user (enum).
  • isDeletedByAdmin: Whether the user is deleted by admin (tinyint).
  • createdAt: Date and time when the user was created.


  • id: Unique identifier for the virtual assessment.
  • startTime: Start time of the assessment.
  • endTime: End time of the assessment.
  • assessmentDate: Date of the assessment.
  • meetingLink: Meeting link for the assessment.
  • status: Status of the assessment.
  • appointmentId: Identifier for the associated appointment.
  • wasRescheduled: Whether the assessment was rescheduled.
  • reschedulingAccepted: Whether the rescheduling was accepted.


  • id: Unique identifier for the work experience.
  • workplace: Workplace of the work experience.
  • qualifications: Qualifications of the work experience.
  • caregiverInfoId: Identifier for the associated caregiver info.
  • startDate: Start date of the work experience.
  • endDate: End date of the work experience.


  • activity_log is related to appointment via appointmentId.
  • appointment is related to user via userId.
  • appointment is related to caregiver_info via caregiverInfoId.
  • caregiver_info is related to user via userId.
  • certificate is related to caregiver_info via caregiverInfoId.
  • notification is related to appointment via appointmentId.
  • notification is related to user via receiverId and senderId.
  • seeker_activity is related to appointment via appointmentId and activity via activityId.
  • seeker_capability is related to appointment via appointmentId and capability via capabilityId.
  • seeker_diagnosis is related to appointment via appointmentId and diagnosis via diagnosisId.
  • seeker_review is related to user via userId and caregiver_info via caregiverInfoId.
  • seeker_task is related to appointment via appointmentId.
  • transaction_history is related to user via userId and appointment via appointmentId.
  • virtual_assessment is related to appointment via appointmentId.
  • work_experience is related to caregiver_info via caregiverInfoId.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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