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[NCC-E005955-7DU] zebra-network: Fragile State Transition During Address Book Update #6672




Failure to reject out of order address change requests corrupts the Address Book’s state and opens the Zebra node to state manipulation attacks.


The zebra_network’s AddressBook update implementation uses MetaAddrChange’s apply_to_meta_addr() to update the entry’s previous state to the received updated state.
The apply_to_meta_addr() function validates the change against the previous state and optionally returns the new MetaAddr. If the received state is not the never-attempted state (the else condition on line 831) the current state is one of { AttemptPending, Responded, Failed}. In order to tolerate an address change request that is received out of order, the implementation picks the maximum of { last_response, last_attempt, last_failure} timestamps. Thus these timestamps will never revert to their previous values. However, independent of what the previous state was, on line 853, the new address state is returned. The last_connection_state records the outcome of local node’s most recent
communication attempt with this peer:

/// Apply this change to a previous `MetaAddr` from the address book,
/// producing a new or updated `MetaAddr`.
/// If the change isn't valid for the `previous` address, returns `None`.
pub fn apply_to_meta_addr(&self, previous: impl Into<Option<MetaAddr>>) -> Option<MetaAddr> {
if let Some(previous) = previous.into() {
assert_eq!(previous.addr, self.addr(), "unexpected addr mismatch");
let previous_has_been_attempted = !previous.last_connection_state.is_never_attempted();
let change_to_never_attempted = self
.map(|meta_addr| meta_addr.last_connection_state.is_never_attempted())
if change_to_never_attempted {
if previous_has_been_attempted {
// Existing entry has been attempted, change is NeverAttempted
// - ignore the change
// # Security
// Ignore NeverAttempted changes once we have made an attempt,
// so malicious peers can't keep changing our peer connection order.
} else {
// Existing entry and change are both NeverAttempted
// - preserve original values of all fields
// - but replace None with Some
// # Security
// Preserve the original field values for NeverAttempted peers,
// so malicious peers can't keep changing our peer connection order.
Some(MetaAddr {
addr: self.addr(),
services:|| self.untrusted_services()),
untrusted_last_seen: previous
.or_else(|| self.untrusted_last_seen()),
// The peer has not been attempted, so these fields must be None
last_response: None,
last_attempt: None,
last_failure: None,
last_connection_state: self.peer_addr_state(),
} else {
// Existing entry and change are both Attempt, Responded, Failed
// - ignore changes to earlier times
// - update the services from the change
// # Security
// Ignore changes to earlier times. This enforces the peer
// connection timeout, even if changes are applied out of order.
Some(MetaAddr {
addr: self.addr(),
// We want up-to-date services, even if they have fewer bits,
// or they are applied out of order.
services: self.untrusted_services().or(,
// Only NeverAttempted changes can modify the last seen field
untrusted_last_seen: previous.untrusted_last_seen,
// Since Some(time) is always greater than None, `max` prefers:
// - the latest time if both are Some
// - Some(time) if the other is None
last_response: self.last_response().max(previous.last_response),
last_attempt: self.last_attempt().max(previous.last_attempt),
last_failure: self.last_failure().max(previous.last_failure),
last_connection_state: self.peer_addr_state(),
} else {
// no previous: create a new entry


Update apply_to_meta_addr() to return None when the state transition is invalid, e.g., the request is received out-of-order.


zebra-network/src/, line 853




A-networkArea: Network protocol updates or fixesC-auditCategory: Issues arising from audit findings


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