Like to play D&D but are terrible at going through handbooks? What if you don't have enough D6s?
I encountered the same problem (occasionally), and wanted to make a simple and offline tool which would enable me
to create a character without all the hassle. cough D&D Beyond cough
To install, simply download the EXE Production file, and then save it to a directory. Enter that directory, and run the .exe file. You'll be welcomed with a simple gui which will help you make your character. After finishing, it will give you the location of your character.
You should just download the D and D Class Maker folder. Unzip It. Then, you should just be able to run the file! You should have python installed and on your path!
For those of you who are nerds (like me). It simply builds a tkinter loop that the user runs through. There are currently no error handling messages, so right now the program will just ignore troublemakers. After we get the necessary data from the user, it will use fillpdfs (a handy tool) to build a new D&D character PDF.
I want to have more fields, and stuff to fill in for your character. I want to eventually have a better UI too. This may mean that I will migrate from tkinter, which may be a process but well worth it. Also a better file-saving system would be great (e.g. a file browser so you can choose where to put it.).
And lastly a print button to send to the user's printer as well as an option to edit previously made characters.