To compile on Linux:
To compile on OSX: Use Homebrew to install qt
To compile on Windows: Install QT 5.13.0 It can be found here:
Update graphics card driver Double click to open in QTCreator
Select the platform to compile to (32 or 64 bits) MinGW tends to work better than MSVC Click details to select the build folder Click Configure Project
To run on feng-linux / feng-gps: ./RaytraceRenderWindow ../path_to/model.obj ../path_to/texture.ppm
To run on OSX: ./ ../path_to/model.obj ../path_to/texture.ppm
To run on Windows ./RaytraceRenderWindow.exe ../path_to/model.obj ../path_to/texture.ppm or Click projects Select "Run" on the left side menu under the active configuration Add "../path_to/model.obj ../path_to/texture.ppm" to command line arguments Click Run/Debug on the bottom left side.