Optimization (soft assertion) solving slow after (reset) #6023
Using the (reset)
command seems to sometimes cause Z3 (release version 4.8.17) to solve optimization problems significantly slower than it is otherwise able to. fast.txt and slow.txt are two SMT formulas:
fast.txt is a single problem involving both hard and soft assertions. Z3 can solve this in around 2.5s on my computer. slow.txt is the same as fast.txt, but with this:
(declare-const f_0_spr_1_0_c_coeff_act_1 Bool)
(declare-const f_0_sp_4_r_c_1_t_2_a_1 Int)
(assert-soft f_0_spr_1_0_c_coeff_act_1 :id minimal_size)
(assert-soft (and (<= (- 1) f_0_sp_4_r_c_1_t_2_a_1) (<= f_0_sp_4_r_c_1_t_2_a_1 1)) :id coeff)
(get-info :all-statistics)
added to the beginning of the file. However, Z3 then takes roughly 16s to solve the second problem, despite the call to (reset)
(which should, as I understand, completely clear the state of the solver.)
Here is the full output from running fast.txt:
(:added-eqs 649859
:arith-eq-adapter 3132
:arith-bound-propagations-lp 11154
:arith-branch 1
:arith-conflicts 302
:arith-cube-calls 1
:arith-diseq 362832
:arith-fixed-eqs 2501
:arith-gcd-calls 8
:arith-gomory-cuts 2
:arith-hnf-calls 1
:arith-lower 353965
:arith-make-feasible 66661
:arith-max-columns 458
:arith-max-rows 335
:arith-offset-eqs 187849
:arith-patches 8
:arith-patches-success 5
:arith-upper 386297
:binary-propagations 1654515
:bv-bit2core 131
:bv-dynamic-diseqs 548
:bv->core-eq 299
:conflicts 17443
:decisions 82598
:del-clause 11599
:final-checks 153
:max-memory 57.28
:maxsat-cores 23
:memory 57.04
:minimized-lits 90794
:mk-bool-var 12626
:mk-clause 44211
:num-allocs 4514609
:num-checks 306
:propagations 3971242
:restarts 95
:rlimit-count 21697328
:time 2.56)
and from running slow.txt:
(:arith-assert-lower 3
:arith-assert-upper 3
:binary-propagations 6
:decisions 2
:del-clause 2
:final-checks 3
:max-memory 39.02
:memory 39.02
:mk-bool-var 7
:mk-clause 5
:num-allocs 34660
:num-checks 3
:propagations 9
:rlimit-count 630
:time 0.01)
(:added-eqs 1958392
:arith-eq-adapter 1640
:arith-bound-propagations-lp 20937
:arith-conflicts 371
:arith-diseq 1367604
:arith-fixed-eqs 33059
:arith-gcd-calls 2
:arith-lower 1104870
:arith-make-feasible 214184
:arith-max-columns 457
:arith-max-rows 334
:arith-offset-eqs 998329
:arith-patches 2
:arith-patches-success 2
:arith-upper 1486561
:binary-propagations 8010253
:bv-bit2core 182
:bv-dynamic-diseqs 898
:bv->core-eq 408
:conflicts 89230
:decisions 189254
:del-clause 30365
:final-checks 190
:max-memory 87.26
:maxsat-cores 22
:memory 87.12
:minimized-lits 1006766
:mk-bool-var 8489
:mk-clause 120207
:num-allocs 17353753
:num-checks 361
:propagations 18610953
:restarts 666
:rlimit-count 94242860
:time 16.00)
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