This script is simply made to scrape the Wombo AI website and save the images in a folder.
git clone
cd WomboAiScraper
pip install -r requirements.txt
This script use selenium so make sure you specifies the path(LINE 16 in the script) to your chromedriver.
The Wombo website is subject to change so you might need to update the XPATH requests to find elements on the page.
If you make to many requests to the website, you might get timed out to.
To start the script you just need to run the following command : python
Then you need to answer the questions :
> How many instances do you want to run (1): 5
> What do you want to generate (separate items with commas) (chicken): space, stars, galaxy#2
> Which styles (separate styles with commas) (Bad Trip): Synthwave, HDR
Instances :
How many instances of chrome do you want to run (a number between 5 and 10 is favorable to generate several dozen images quickly, the use of a large number of instances can create problems)
Items :
What do you want to generate, to indicate several items separate them with commas, if you want to generate several instances of the same item, add an hashtag and a number after the item name (ex: galaxy#2)
Styles :
Which styles do you want to use, to indicate several styles separate them with commas (the script displays the available styles)
The next chapter shows the images generated with the theme of Space