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Modern React 19 starter template with TypeScript, Vite, and Tailwind CSS v4. Features comprehensive theming system with semantic colors, dark mode support, ESLint/Prettier configuration, and Husky pre-commit hooks. Ready for production with optimized builds πŸš€

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React 19, TypeScript, Vite, Tailwind CSS v4, Prettier, Eslint and Husky Template

A modern, ready-to-use template for building web applications with React 19, TypeScript, Vite, and Tailwind CSS v4, featuring a comprehensive theming system with dark mode support.


  • 🎨 Complete theming system with semantic color variables
  • πŸŒ“ Dark mode support out of the box
  • πŸ“± Responsive design ready
  • πŸš€ Optimized for Tailwind CSS v4
  • βš›οΈ React 19 with TypeScript
  • ⚑️ Vite for fast development and builds
  • 🧹 ESLint and Prettier for code quality
  • πŸͺ Husky and lint-staged for pre-commit hooks

Technologies Used

This template combines the following technologies to provide a modern development experience:

  • React 19: Latest version of the popular UI library with improved performance
  • TypeScript: Static type checking for more robust code
  • Vite: Next generation frontend tooling for fast development and optimized builds
  • Tailwind CSS v4: Utility-first CSS framework with built-in dark mode support
  • ESLint: Linting utility for identifying and fixing code problems
  • Prettier: Code formatter for consistent styling
  • Husky: Git hooks to enforce code quality checks before commits
  • lint-staged: Run linters on git staged files

Getting Started


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone [repository-url] my-project
    cd my-project
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
    # or
    yarn install
    # or
    pnpm install
  3. Start the development server:

    npm run dev
    # or
    yarn dev
    # or
    pnpm dev
  4. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000

Project Structure

β”œβ”€β”€ .husky/                # Git hooks configuration
β”œβ”€β”€ src/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ components/        # Reusable components
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ App.tsx            # Main application component
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ main.tsx           # Application entry point
β”‚   └── globals.css        # Global styles and theme variables
β”œβ”€β”€ public/                # Static assets
β”œβ”€β”€ index.html             # HTML template
β”œβ”€β”€ vite.config.ts         # Vite configuration
β”œβ”€β”€ tsconfig.json          # TypeScript configuration
β”œβ”€β”€ eslint.config.js       # ESLint configuration
└── package.json           # Project dependencies and scripts

Available Scripts

The template includes the following npm scripts:

  • npm run dev: Start the development server
  • npm run build: Type-check and build the app for production
  • npm run preview: Preview the production build locally
  • npm run lint: Run ESLint to check for code issues
  • npm run lint:fix: Run ESLint and automatically fix issues
  • npm run format: Run Prettier to format all files
  • npm run format:check: Check if files are properly formatted
  • npm run fix-all: Run both lint:fix and format to fix all issues
  • npm run upgrade: Update all dependencies to their latest versions

Theme System

This template includes a carefully crafted theming system with semantic color variables for both light and dark modes.

Color System Structure

Colors are organized in the following categories:

  • Light/Dark Background Colors: Primary, secondary, tertiary, and hover states
  • Light/Dark Text Colors: Primary, secondary, tertiary, and inverted text
  • Accent Colors: Primary, secondary, success, warning, danger
  • Border Colors: Light and dark mode borders
  • Shadow Colors: For consistent box-shadow effects

How to Use Theme Colors

You can apply theme colors directly using Tailwind utility classes:

// Background colors
<div className="bg-l-bg-1 dark:bg-d-bg-1">...</div>

// Text colors
<p className="text-l-text-2 dark:text-d-text-2">...</p>

// Border colors
<div className="border border-border-l dark:border-border-d">...</div>

// Accent colors
<button className="bg-accent-1">Primary Action</button>
<div className="text-accent-success">Success message</div>

More Theme Examples

// Button with theme colors
<button className="bg-accent-1 hover:bg-accent-2 text-l-text-inv dark:text-d-text-inv px-4 py-2 rounded">

// Card with theme colors
<div className="bg-l-bg-2 dark:bg-d-bg-2 border border-border-l dark:border-border-d rounded-lg p-4 shadow-md">
  <h3 className="text-l-text-1 dark:text-d-text-1 font-bold">Card Title</h3>
  <p className="text-l-text-2 dark:text-d-text-2">Card content goes here...</p>
  <span className="text-accent-success">Success message</span>

// Alert component using theme colors
<div className="bg-l-bg-3 dark:bg-d-bg-3 border-l-4 border-accent-warning p-4">
  <p className="text-l-text-1 dark:text-d-text-1">Warning alert message</p>

// Error state using theme colors
<div className="text-accent-danger border border-accent-danger rounded p-2">
  Error message

Customizing the Theme

To customize the theme, modify the color variables in src/globals.css:

@theme {
  /* Light Mode - Background Colors */
  --color-l-bg-1: #ffffff; /* Your custom color */
  --color-l-bg-2: #f6f8fa; /* Your custom color */

  /* Light Mode - Text Colors */
  --color-l-text-1: #24292f; /* Your custom color */

  /* Dark Mode Colors */
  --color-d-bg-1: #0d1117; /* Your custom color */

  /* Accent Colors */
  --color-accent-1: #58a6ff; /* Your custom color */
  --color-accent-success: #3fb950; /* Your custom color */

  /* Add more custom colors as needed */

After modifying the theme variables, the Tailwind classes will automatically use your custom colors.

Dark Mode Implementation

This template includes a ready-to-use dark mode implementation:

  1. Theme Toggle Component: Located at src/components/ThemeToggle.tsx, this component provides a button to switch between light and dark modes.

  2. Local Storage: User preference is saved to local storage so it persists between visits.

  3. System Preference Detection: The template automatically detects the user's system preference for dark/light mode on first visit.

  4. Implementation Example:

import ThemeToggle from './components/ThemeToggle';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <div className="bg-l-bg-1 dark:bg-d-bg-1 text-l-text-1 dark:text-d-text-1">
      <h1>My Component</h1>
      <ThemeToggle />

Development Tools

ESLint Configuration

This template uses ESLint to enforce code quality. The configuration is in eslint.config.js and includes:

  • React recommended rules
  • TypeScript integration
  • Import order rules
  • React Hooks rules

To run ESLint:

npm run lint      # Check for issues
npm run lint:fix  # Fix issues automatically

Prettier Configuration

Prettier ensures consistent code formatting. Configuration is in .prettierrc:

  "singleQuote": true,
  "semi": true,
  "tabWidth": 2,
  "printWidth": 80,
  "trailingComma": "es5",
  "arrowParens": "avoid",
  "endOfLine": "lf"

To run Prettier:

npm run format        # Format all files
npm run format:check  # Check formatting

Husky and lint-staged

The template uses Husky to run checks before commits and lint-staged to only check files that are being committed:

  • ESLint and Prettier run on staged JavaScript/TypeScript files
  • Prettier runs on staged JSON and Markdown files

This ensures that all committed code meets the project's quality standards.


Modern React 19 starter template with TypeScript, Vite, and Tailwind CSS v4. Features comprehensive theming system with semantic colors, dark mode support, ESLint/Prettier configuration, and Husky pre-commit hooks. Ready for production with optimized builds πŸš€







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