A modern, ready-to-use template for building web applications with React 19, TypeScript, Vite, and Tailwind CSS v4, featuring a comprehensive theming system with dark mode support.
- π¨ Complete theming system with semantic color variables
- π Dark mode support out of the box
- π± Responsive design ready
- π Optimized for Tailwind CSS v4
- βοΈ React 19 with TypeScript
- β‘οΈ Vite for fast development and builds
- π§Ή ESLint and Prettier for code quality
- πͺ Husky and lint-staged for pre-commit hooks
This template combines the following technologies to provide a modern development experience:
- React 19: Latest version of the popular UI library with improved performance
- TypeScript: Static type checking for more robust code
- Vite: Next generation frontend tooling for fast development and optimized builds
- Tailwind CSS v4: Utility-first CSS framework with built-in dark mode support
- ESLint: Linting utility for identifying and fixing code problems
- Prettier: Code formatter for consistent styling
- Husky: Git hooks to enforce code quality checks before commits
- lint-staged: Run linters on git staged files
Clone this repository:
git clone [repository-url] my-project cd my-project
Install dependencies:
npm install # or yarn install # or pnpm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000
βββ .husky/ # Git hooks configuration
βββ src/
β βββ components/ # Reusable components
β βββ App.tsx # Main application component
β βββ main.tsx # Application entry point
β βββ globals.css # Global styles and theme variables
βββ public/ # Static assets
βββ index.html # HTML template
βββ vite.config.ts # Vite configuration
βββ tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
βββ eslint.config.js # ESLint configuration
βββ package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
The template includes the following npm scripts:
npm run dev
: Start the development servernpm run build
: Type-check and build the app for productionnpm run preview
: Preview the production build locallynpm run lint
: Run ESLint to check for code issuesnpm run lint:fix
: Run ESLint and automatically fix issuesnpm run format
: Run Prettier to format all filesnpm run format:check
: Check if files are properly formattednpm run fix-all
: Run both lint:fix and format to fix all issuesnpm run upgrade
: Update all dependencies to their latest versions
This template includes a carefully crafted theming system with semantic color variables for both light and dark modes.
Colors are organized in the following categories:
- Light/Dark Background Colors: Primary, secondary, tertiary, and hover states
- Light/Dark Text Colors: Primary, secondary, tertiary, and inverted text
- Accent Colors: Primary, secondary, success, warning, danger
- Border Colors: Light and dark mode borders
- Shadow Colors: For consistent box-shadow effects
You can apply theme colors directly using Tailwind utility classes:
// Background colors
<div className="bg-l-bg-1 dark:bg-d-bg-1">...</div>
// Text colors
<p className="text-l-text-2 dark:text-d-text-2">...</p>
// Border colors
<div className="border border-border-l dark:border-border-d">...</div>
// Accent colors
<button className="bg-accent-1">Primary Action</button>
<div className="text-accent-success">Success message</div>
// Button with theme colors
<button className="bg-accent-1 hover:bg-accent-2 text-l-text-inv dark:text-d-text-inv px-4 py-2 rounded">
// Card with theme colors
<div className="bg-l-bg-2 dark:bg-d-bg-2 border border-border-l dark:border-border-d rounded-lg p-4 shadow-md">
<h3 className="text-l-text-1 dark:text-d-text-1 font-bold">Card Title</h3>
<p className="text-l-text-2 dark:text-d-text-2">Card content goes here...</p>
<span className="text-accent-success">Success message</span>
// Alert component using theme colors
<div className="bg-l-bg-3 dark:bg-d-bg-3 border-l-4 border-accent-warning p-4">
<p className="text-l-text-1 dark:text-d-text-1">Warning alert message</p>
// Error state using theme colors
<div className="text-accent-danger border border-accent-danger rounded p-2">
Error message
To customize the theme, modify the color variables in src/globals.css
@theme {
/* Light Mode - Background Colors */
--color-l-bg-1: #ffffff; /* Your custom color */
--color-l-bg-2: #f6f8fa; /* Your custom color */
/* Light Mode - Text Colors */
--color-l-text-1: #24292f; /* Your custom color */
/* Dark Mode Colors */
--color-d-bg-1: #0d1117; /* Your custom color */
/* Accent Colors */
--color-accent-1: #58a6ff; /* Your custom color */
--color-accent-success: #3fb950; /* Your custom color */
/* Add more custom colors as needed */
After modifying the theme variables, the Tailwind classes will automatically use your custom colors.
This template includes a ready-to-use dark mode implementation:
Theme Toggle Component: Located at
, this component provides a button to switch between light and dark modes. -
Local Storage: User preference is saved to local storage so it persists between visits.
System Preference Detection: The template automatically detects the user's system preference for dark/light mode on first visit.
Implementation Example:
import ThemeToggle from './components/ThemeToggle';
function MyComponent() {
return (
<div className="bg-l-bg-1 dark:bg-d-bg-1 text-l-text-1 dark:text-d-text-1">
<h1>My Component</h1>
<ThemeToggle />
This template uses ESLint to enforce code quality. The configuration is in eslint.config.js
and includes:
- React recommended rules
- TypeScript integration
- Import order rules
- React Hooks rules
To run ESLint:
npm run lint # Check for issues
npm run lint:fix # Fix issues automatically
Prettier ensures consistent code formatting. Configuration is in .prettierrc
"singleQuote": true,
"semi": true,
"tabWidth": 2,
"printWidth": 80,
"trailingComma": "es5",
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"endOfLine": "lf"
To run Prettier:
npm run format # Format all files
npm run format:check # Check formatting
The template uses Husky to run checks before commits and lint-staged to only check files that are being committed:
- ESLint and Prettier run on staged JavaScript/TypeScript files
- Prettier runs on staged JSON and Markdown files
This ensures that all committed code meets the project's quality standards.