PlentyChess is a very strong UCI chess engine using an efficiently updated neural network (NNUE) for evaluation.
The network is trained on 7.2bn self-generated positions of standard chess and Double Fischer Random Chess (DFRC).
PlentyChess 2.1.0 consistently ranks within the top 10 on various chess engine rating lists:
- 9th on SPCC, 3672 Elo
- 7th on Ipman Chess, 3519 Elo (excluding duplicate engines)
- 8th on CEGT with pondering, 3585 Elo
- 6th on CCRL, 3610 Elo (Last updated: 05th November 2024)
Additionally, it plays live in the Computer Championship and the Top Chess Engine Championship.
For the build to work on Windows, you need to install MinGW as well as the required packages (make, g++, pthread, etc.). Then you can use the makefile as you would on a unix system.