This repository contains the Matlab program for the Characteristic Point Method (CPM) and some other codes related to the topic of hydrograph separation and properties. CPM is a method for automatic separation of hydrograph and extraction of flood events from long-term time series reported in Mei & Anagnostou (2015, A Hydrograph Separation Method Based on Information from Rainfall and Runoff Records). A user manual of the program and demonstration of implementation are also provided.
Details of CPM:
- The "Demo_data.mat" contains inputs of the CPM program and the "Results.mat" contains results produced by the program.
- The "Demo.m" file is an example of how to run the CPM program.
- The "RCK", "FRCK.m", "CPM.m", "CPM_FE.m", "CPM_peak.m", and "CPM_RE.m" are components of the CPM program.
- The "CPM User Manual_MMMYYYY.pdf" is the user manual of the program.
- Please see the user manual for instructions on how to set up the CPM program. The user manual also contains the instructions for running the Demo code.
- The program may subject to update ocassionally. Please check for the new version on our website.
Other related Matlab codes:
- The "hydro_pro.m" file is a code for calculation of the rainfall-runoff event properties.
- The "UKIH.m" file is a code to implement the United Kindom Institute of Hydrology (UKIH) baseflow separation method by Gustard et al. (1992, Low Flow Estimation in the United Kingdom).
- The "RDF.m" file is a code to implement the recursive digital filter (RDF) baseflow separation method by Eckhardt (2005, How to construct recursive digital filters for baseflow separation).