03_spectral data at sampling locations.Rmd
To clean the data downloaded from GEE, and to link the image band info with DO data.
|__ data_for_gee
| |__ sample_2000_2019_DO.xlsx *(DO data at all depth levels)*
| |__ sample_2000_2019_DO_min.xlsx *(min DO at one location across the profile)*
|__ data_from_gee
| |
| |__ Img2Table_04_2021-03-18 *(most updated image band data downloaded from GEE)*
| |
| |__ Img2Table_cleaned
| |
| |__ by_timelag *(only pixel values, extracted by considering different time lags)*
| |
| |__ by_timelag_withDO *(pixel + DO)*
The authors thank the Environmental Science and Policy Program Summer Research Fellowship for their financial support.
- Dr. Yingjie Li1
- Zilong Xia
- Dr. Lan Nguyen
- Dr. Ho Yi Wan
- ...
- Prof. Jianguo Liu2
1Stanford University
2Michigan State University