A simple cross-platform application that allows you to manage your e-books.
You can easily manage and view your e-books.
This application is based on nodejs and the trending module electron.
This application is built with the electron module which guarantees portability. The pdf viewer is based on the Mozilla Firefox pdf reader and inherits all its features.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.:
- Nodejs installed
- Image Magick How to install Image Magick
git clone https://github.com/YassineFadhlaoui/Book-Management-Software.git
cd Book-Management-Software
npm install
npm will install all requirements and locally install electron
- change the path to your ebooks folder in the listall.js file
- run the listall.js file to create a local database of your ebooks and create thumbnails.
node listall.js
- start the application by issuing the following command:
electron main.js
- Yassine Fadhlaoui - initial work Yassine Fadhlaoui
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
This project still needs a lot of enhancement please contribute.