iNotebook is a web application that stores all your notes on the cloud which makes it accessible from any device.
- Login/Signup.
- Add a new Note.
- Update existing Note.
- Delete a existing Note.
- Search from the existing Notes.
- Get Notifications.
- Logout.
- Backend:- Nodejs(Expressjs)
- Frontend:- React.js, Bootstrap
- Database:- MongoDB
Backend :- 1. bcryptjs, 2. cors, 3. dotenv, 4. express, 5. express-validator, 6. jsonwebtoken, 7. mongoose
Frontend :- 1. concurrently, 2. dotenv, 3. react, 4. react-dom, 5. react-router-dom, 6. react-scripts, 7. react-toastify
To install all the Frontend packages.
To install all the Backend packages.
Change the MONGODB string to your owns and assign a JWTSERCET of your owns.
This runs the app in the development mode on http://localhost:3000 and runs SERVER on http://localhost:4000