- Housing Crisis in germany is getting grave.
- The country’s current government wants to create an entirely new ministry to oversee it.
- Government pledge is to built 50,000 more units than the current goal.
- Berlin tried to cap rents for five years, but court threw out the law earlier last year.
- Germany has 1.8 million empty apartments, according to the DStGB, outside cities where people are less interested in living.
- Population growth, bad decisions, slow construction, competing demands: These are just some of the causes of Germany's housing crisis
- The data is obtained from “Kaggle” for this project.
- The data was scraped from Immoscout24.
- The data set contains most of the important properties, such as living area size, the rent etc.
- The dataset has 49 Columns and 268850 Rows.
- Data could be found at https://www.kaggle.com/corrieaar/apartment-rental-offers-in-germany
- Data cleaning to clear the outliers and remove columns that doesn't have high correlation to the prediction
- Create visualization to have a better understanding of the rental properties in Germany.
- Try to Answer some pressing questions.
- Feature engineering from the original variable to create a better model
- Create a tool that estimate the house cost predicted by many variables
- Compare those model to see the best results.
[Yaqoobdavid_Rental _Prediction_presentation_Original.pptx] (https://github.com/YaqoobD/Germany-Rental-Housing-prediction/files/8597611/Yaqoobdavid_Rental._Prediction_presentation_Original.pptx)