Plot short video of 2/3D scalp topography using EEGLAB
A repository for tools that help plotting EEG data.
ScalpPlot is a easy-to-use/customizable plot tool for drawing scalp maps of EEG/MEG data in MATLAB
Repo for Brain Networks course
Official implementation of "MARS, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Spatial-Spectral and Temporal Feature Selection in EEG-based BCI"
A model to select an optimal subset of features from the target data using swarm intelligence metaheuristic-based approach-Grey Wolf Optimization(GWO). A new variant of GWO was introduced by enhanc…
An all-in-one EEG feature extraction toobox, including statistical features, Hjorth parameters, entropy, nonlinear features, power spectral density (PSD), differential entropy (DE), empirical mode …
semantic segmentation based on SegNet ,use dataset CamVid
Notes about courses Dive into Deep Learning by Mu Li
Feature Extraction and Classification of Cognitive Mental workload | EEG signals | Machine Learning | Deep Learning.
A convolution network neural network in Keras with Python using CIFAR-10 dataset
A fast xgboost feature selection algorithm
A collection of research papers on decision, classification and regression trees with implementations.
This toolbox offers several deep learning methods, which are simple and easy to implement.
This toolbox offers 30 types of EEG feature extraction methods (HA, HM, HC, and etc.) for Electroencephalogram (EEG) applications.
LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences