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This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 9, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Yume Bot

Discord Subreddit subscribers DeepScan grade
Open on gitpod

Note Yume bot is now deprecated. The bot was being hosted on heroku as they provide a very reliable service in their free tier. But they have announced that all heroku free tier applications will be removed on November 28, 2022 (refer to this post) and they will be shutting down the free tier. I have tried looking for other free alternatives like replit but none of them are usable, as such the bot is being taken down. I'm a high school student and i dont either make money or have any means for online payment as such paid services are not an option for me. The source code still remains open for all in the hopes that it will be of benefit to someone.


Yume bot is a discord bot created for the Tsurekano Discord server. Created by Yakiyo#1206.

The bot is fully based on slash commands. To use a slash command, type / in the message box. For a list of all commands, use /help


Discord: Tsurekano

Subreddit: r/MamahahaTsurego

Fandom: MotoKano Fandom

Yume bot isn't available to servers other then the tsurekano discord and cannot be invited anywhere else. The code is open source though so anyone can feel free to fork and host their own version of the bot. For some directions on self hosting please see the self hosting section here

Bot Information


For new feature requests, you can make an issue and i'll see what can be done.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create new branch git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit changes git commit -m "Add cool feature
  4. Push changes to it git push <remote> <branch>
  5. Create a pull request

Any and all contributions are welcome. Please make sure you're code passes the lint tests. ✌

Self Hosting


Clone the repo and install packages

$ git clone
$ npm install

To start, create a file named .env and put the following in it.

TOKEN=Bot token goes here 
MONGO=A mongodb URI

After that edit the config file to you're needs and then run the code

$ npm run start


Yume Bot © Yakiyo. Authored and maintained by Yakiyo.

Released under GPL-3.0 License.