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Configuration Item Keyword

Sébastien Gallou edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 2 revisions


This type allow developper to ask for a keyword of a device selection. He can ask for a list of device that match a capacity (ie: device that get temperature) or the list of device that have a keyword type in particular.

Non optionnal fields

Type descriptor

This field define the type as keyword

"type" : "keyword"

Expected keyword access

This field define the kind of access to the keyword that the device must have at least once. The value can be "get", "set" or "getSet".

"expectedKeywordAccess" : "get"

Expected type

This field define the type of keyword that the device must have at least once. The type can be "numeric", "string", "bool", "nodata" or "json". If this field is not present. It's must have expectedCapacity property. It can be a list.

"expectedKeywordType" : "numeric"
"expectedKeywordType" : ["numeric", "bool"]

Expected capacity

This field define the capacity that the device must have at least once. If this field is not present. It's must have expectedKeywordAccess property. It can be a list.

"expectedCapacity" : "switch"
"expectedCapacity" : ["switch", "dimmable"]


"keyword" : {
         "name" : "Temp Sensor",
         "description" : "Device which provide switch",
         "type" : "keyword",
         "expectedCapacity" : ["switch", "dimmable"],
         "expectedKeywordAccess" : "get"
"keyword" : {
         "name" : "Data to chart",
         "description" : "Data of a device that will be charted",
         "type" : "keyword",
         "expectedKeywordType" : "numeric",
         "expectedKeywordAccess" : "get"
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