- Remove unused mc-data from bundle
- Fix threejs disposal
- Expose ambientLight and directionalLight
- Bumb Mineflayer to 4.x
- Bumb Mineflayer-pathfinder to 2.x
- Bumb fs-extra to 10.x
- Bumb minecraft-data to 3.x
- support 1.18.0
- Dependency bumb
- Pin three dependency
- Fixed a few memory leaks
- Add waitForChunksToRender() function
- 1.17.1 support
- Fix standalone
- biome cache bug fix
- Lighten ao slightly
- Fix some missing rotations
- Fix some entity texture paths
- Add tints (thanks @Moondarker)
- Use entity name correctly
- Fix self ghost entity
- Add names above players
- expose version in viewer
- properly fix water bug
- improve input perfs
- fix rendering bug
- Fix bugs
- Improve water rendering
- Improve entity rendering
- Fix entity name matching on older versions
- Interpolate movements
- Add entity models
- Add viewer.close()
- Use real entity height and width
- Add points primitive
- make init and updatePosition not blocking for a faster apparent rendering
- use production mode webpack
- add keyboard controls (@extremeheat)
- use iterators from pworld
- 1.16.4 support
- Fix rotations
- Add prefix option
- Paste schematic in standalone example
- electron path fix
- Refactor package to expose rendering api
- Add electron demo
- Add static standalone demo
- Fix dirty chunk unloading bug (thanks @extremeheat)
- Add blockClicked event and clickmove example
- Added headless rendering
- Added writing to video file example
- Added streaming to python example
- Fixed camera rotation
- Model rotations (thanks @iRath96)
- Handling transparent blocks better (thanks @iRath96)
- Implement multi-part block models (thanks @iRath96)
- Respects pixel device ratios (thanks @iRath96)
- Fixed UV coordinates for blocks like hoppers (thanks @iRath96)
- Liquids should be 14px instead of 16px high (thanks @iRath96)
- Cache blocks for a 30% performance increase
- Enable compression
- Use more than 1 worker thread for mesh generation
- stop using bot._columns
- first person vision
- Basic liquids implementation
- Fixed canvas CSS
- Fix changing dimensions (in mineflayer)
- Improve examples
- Protect diverse null/undefined values
- Dynamic loading/unloading of chunks
- Build mesh into a separate worker thread
- Use correct textures and models for most of the blocks
- Fix import of src/index.js
- Initial version, API is not 100% stable but it works