!! 本次更新对数据库结构进行了修整以便今后支持 MySQL 等更多类型的数据库。旧的数据库结构已失效且无法工作。
!! This update has made adjustments to the database structure to support more types of databases such as MySQL in the future. The old database structure has become invalid and cannot function.
Something new 更新日志
- 数据库修整 | Database overhaul
- 开始在订单记录中储存结算订单的商店 ID 并在 GUI 中显示 | Store and display shop id in order history
- 引入了几个新的图标功能 | Serveral new icon features
- 新增了清除某玩家指定天数前的所有交易日志的功能 | Command to delete order history of player before given days