This tool takes 2 Vyper files and an interface name as inputs. The output indicates if any interfaces declared in the caller contract do not match the called contract implementation. The output also shows if any functions in the interface are unused.
This tool requires the correct Vyper compiler version to be installed. Vyper 3.10 was used for testing, which can be installed with pip3 install vyper==0.3.10
The example contracts in this repository, Exchange.vy and Factory.vy, are slightly modified from the Vyper docs examples.
python Exchange.vy Factory.vy Exchange
PROBLEM LINE FOUND! Interface 'Exchange' in Factory.vy doesn't match Exchange.vy
def mint(address,uint256): nonpayable
likely a false positive, but check this interface definition in Factory.vy:
def returnOne() -> uint256: nonpayable
likely a false positive, but check this interface definition in Factory.vy:
def token() -> ERC20: view
PROBLEM LINE FOUND! Function 'mint' in interface Exchange and contract Factory.vy is never used
def mint(address,uint256): nonpayable
PROBLEM LINE FOUND! Function 'returnOne' in interface Exchange and contract Factory.vy is never used
def returnOne() -> uint256: nonpayable
python Factory.vy Exchange.vy Factory --strict
PROBLEM LINE FOUND! Function 'trade' in interface Factory and contract Exchange.vy is never used
def trade(ERC20,ERC20,uint256): nonpayable
This tool requires the correct Vyper compiler version to be installed. Vyper 3.10 was used for testing, which can be installed with pip3 install vyper==0.3.10
usage: [-h] [--strict | --no-strict] [--skip-unused | --no-skip-unused] [--disable-color | --no-disable-color] called_contract_path caller_contract_path interface_name
Run the script with: python called_contract.vy caller_contract.vy interface_name
positional arguments:
called_contract_path This contract is called by the other contract. This contract holds the 'correct' implementation that the caller interface should align with
caller_contract_path This contract stores the interface definition that attempts to match the called contract
interface_name The name of the interface defined in caller_contract_path.vy
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--strict, --no-strict
Only print output when there is a confirmed issue, ignore possible false positives. Do not print DONE.
--skip-unused, --no-skip-unused
Skip checking for (low priority) unused interface definitions
--disable-color, --no-disable-color
Disable the color and bold text output to use the default console font