cdxy Xyntax
StarCross Technology
- Beijing,China
- @cdxy_
XCTF-2019-tfboys Public
source code of XCTF 2019 Final web task "tfboys"
POC-T Public
渗透测试插件化并发框架 / Open-sourced remote vulnerability PoC/EXP framework
FileSensor Public
Dynamic file detection tool based on crawler 基于爬虫的动态敏感文件探测工具
DirBrute Public
多线程WEB目录爆破工具 [Multi-thread WEB directory blasting tool(with dics inside) ]
telemanom Public
Forked from khundman/telemanomA framework for using LSTMs to detect anomalies in multivariate time series data. Includes spacecraft anomaly data and experiments from the Mars Science Laboratory and SMAP missions.
CVE-2017-16995 Public
Forked from C0dak/CVE-2017-16995Linux Kernel Version 4.14 - 4.4 (Ubuntu && Debian)
GourdScanV2 Public
Forked from ysrc/GourdScanV2被动式漏洞扫描系统
wifiphisher Public
Forked from wifiphisher/wifiphisherAutomated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks
PythonDesignPattern Public
Codes in 《Mastering Python Design Patterns》
pocserver Public
Scripts running in public webserver for vulnerability PoC