SqlDatabaseBuilder is a simple library designed to help you build a Sql Server database resources using C#. This is useful for setting up and tearing down database objects for software testing.
The DATABASE object is used to create a new SQL database.
Database database = new Database("MyDatabase");
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))
The Table object is used to create database tables.
Table table = new Table("Persons");
new Column("PersonId", DataType.Int()),
new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255)),
new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255)),
new Column("Address", DataType.VarChar(255)),
new Column("City", DataType.VarChar(255))
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))
By default, a column can hold NULL values. The NOT NULL constraint enforces a column to NOT accept NULL values.
Table table = new Table("Persons");
Column personId = new Column("PersonId", DataType.Int());
personId.Nullable = false; // NOT NULL
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255));
lastName.Nullable = false; // NOT NULL
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255));
lastName.Nullable = true; // NULL
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int()); // defaults to NULL if not specified
table.Columns.AddAll(personId, lastName, firstName, age);
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))
The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a table. Primary keys must contain UNIQUE values, and cannot contain NULL values. A table can have only one primary key, which may consist of single or multiple fields.
Table table = new Table("Persons");
Column id = new Column("Id", DataType.Int()) { Nullable = false };
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Nullable = false };
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255));
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int());
table.Columns.AddAll(id, lastName, firstName, age);
table.Constraints.Add(new PrimaryKeyConstraint(id));
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))
To allow naming of a PRIMARY KEY constraint, and for defining a PRIMARY KEY constraint on multiple columns, use the following
Table table = new Table("Persons");
Column id = new Column("Id", DataType.Int()) { Nullable = false };
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Nullable = false };
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255));
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int());
table.Columns.AddAll(id, lastName, firstName, age);
PrimaryKeyConstraint primaryKeyConstraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraint(name: "PK_PERSONS");
primaryKeyConstraint.AddColumns(id, lastName);
The sorting order can also be defined like this:
PrimaryKeyConstraint primaryKeyConstraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraint(name: "PK_PERSONS");
primaryKeyConstraint.AddColumn(id, ColumnSort.ASC);
primaryKeyConstraint.AddColumn(lastName, ColumnSort.DESC);
A FOREIGN KEY is a key used to link two tables together. A FOREIGN KEY is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that refers to the PRIMARY KEY in another table.
Table personsTable = new Table("Persons");
Column id = new Column("Id", DataType.Int()) { Nullable = false };
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255));
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255));
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int());
personsTable.Columns.AddAll(id, lastName, firstName, age);
personsTable.Constraints.Add(new PrimaryKeyConstraint(id));
Table OrdersTable = new Table("Orders");
Column orderId = new Column("OrderId", DataType.Int());
Column orderNumber = new Column("OrderNumber", DataType.Int());
Column personId = new Column("PersonId", DataType.Int());
OrdersTable.Columns.AddAll(orderId, orderNumber, personId);
ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKeyConstraint = new ForeignKeyConstraint();
The UNIQUE constraint ensures that all values in a column are different. Both the UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns. A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint. However, you can have many UNIQUE constraints per table, but only one PRIMARY KEY constraint per table. The following creates a UNIQUE constraint on the "ID" column when the "Persons" table is created:
Table table = new Table("Persons");
Column id = new Column("Id", DataType.Int()) { Nullable = false };
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Nullable = false };
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255));
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int());
table.Columns.AddAll(id, lastName, firstName, age);
table.Constraints.Add(new UniqueConstraint(id));
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))
To name a UNIQUE constraint, and to define a UNIQUE constraint on multiple columns, use the following
Table table = new Table("Persons");
Column id = new Column("Id", DataType.Int()) { Nullable = false };
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Nullable = false };
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255));
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int());
table.Columns.AddAll(id, lastName, firstName, age);
UniqueConstraint uniqueConstraint = new UniqueConstraint(name: "UQ_PERSONS");
uniqueConstraint.AddColumns(id, lastName);
The sorting order can also be defined like this:
UniqueConstraint uniqueConstraint = new UniqueConstraint(name: "UQ_PERSONS");
uniqueConstraint.AddColumn(id, ColumnSort.ASC);
uniqueConstraint.AddColumn(lastName, ColumnSort.DESC);
The CHECK constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.
Table table = new Table("Persons");
Column id = new Column("Id", DataType.Int()) { Nullable = false };
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255));
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255));
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int());
Column city = new Column("City", DataType.VarChar(255));
table.Columns.AddAll(id, lastName, firstName, age, city);
CheckExpression checkExpression = new CheckExpression(age, CheckOperator.GreaterThanOrEquals, "18");
CheckConstraint checkConstraint = new CheckConstraint(checkExpression);
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))
To allow naming of a CHECK constraint, and for defining a CHECK constraint on multiple columns, use the following:
CheckConstraint checkConstraint = new CheckConstraint("CHK_PersonAgeCity")
CheckExpression = new CheckExpression(age, CheckOperator.GreaterThanOrEquals, "18")
.And(city, CheckOperator.Equals, "'Seattle'")
For even more complex expressions:
CheckConstraint checkConstraint = new CheckConstraint("CHK_PersonAgeCity")
CheckExpression = new CheckExpression("(City IN ('Sealttle','Kansas City','Dallas') OR UPPER(FirstName) LIKE 'J%') AND Address IS NOT NULL")
The DEFAULT constraint is used to provide a default value for a column. The default value will be added to all new records IF no other value is specified. To add a DEFAULT contraint use:
Table table = new Table("Persons");
Column id = new Column("Id", DataType.Int());
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Default = new Default("Doe") };
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Default = new Default("John") };
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int()) { Default = new Default(18) };
table.Columns.AddAll(id, lastName, firstName, age);
To add a DEFAULT constraint with a name use:
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Default = new Default("defaultLastName", "Doe") };
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Default = new Default("defalutFirstName", "John") };
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int()) { Default = new Default("defaultAge", 18) };
The DEFAULT constraint can also be used to insert system values, by using functions like GETDATE():
Column date = new Column("Date", DataType.Date()) { Default = new Default("GETDATE()") }
Defines a collation of a database table column. Collation name can be either a Windows collation name or a SQL collation name. If not specified during table column creation, the column is assigned the default collation of the database.
Table table = new Table("Persons");
Column id = new Column("Id", DataType.Int());
Column lastName = new Column("LastName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Collation = "Latin1_General_CS_AS_KS_WS" };
Column firstName = new Column("FirstName", DataType.VarChar(255)) { Collation = "Traditional_Spanish_ci_ai" };
Column age = new Column("Age", DataType.Int()) { Default = new Default(18) };
table.Columns.AddAll(id, lastName, firstName, age);
The CREATE INDEX statement is used to create indexes in tables.
TableIndex index = new TableIndex("IndexName", table, column1, column2);
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))
To create a clustered and/or unique index
TableIndex index = new TableIndex("IndexName", table, column1, column2)
IndexType = IndexType.CLUSTERED,
IsUnique = true
To set column sort orders
TableIndex index = new TableIndex("IndexName", table, Tuple.Create(column1, ColumnSort.DESC));
Creates a column master key metadata object in a database. A column master key metadata entry represents a key, stored in an external key store. The key protects (encrypts) column encryption keys when you're using Always Encrypted
ColumnMasterKey columnMasterKey = new ColumnMasterKey(
keyName: "MyMasterKey",
keyStoreProviderName: KeyStoreProvider.WindowsCertificateStoreProvider,
keyPath: "CurrentUser/My/BBF037EC4A133ADCA89FFAEC16CA5BFA8878FB94"
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))
Creates a column encryption key metadata object for Always Encrypted. A column encryption key metadata object contains the encrypted value of a column encryption key that is used to encrypt data in a column. Each value is encrypted using a column master key.
ColumnEncryptionKey columnEncryptionKey = new ColumnEncryptionKey(
keyName: myColumnEncryptionKeyName,
columnMasterKeyName: myColumnMasterKeyName,
encryptedValue: "0x0123456789ABCDEF"
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
Specifies encrypting columns by using the Always Encrypted feature.
ColumnMasterKey columnMasterKey = new ColumnMasterKey("myColumnMasterKey", KeyStoreProvider.AzureKeyVaultProvider, "https://myvault.vault.azure.net:443/keys/MyCMK");
ColumnEncryptionKey columnEncryptionKey = new ColumnEncryptionKey("myColumnEncryptionKey", columnMasterKey.Name, "0x0123456789ABCDEF");
ColumnEncryption column1Encryption = new ColumnEncryption(columnEncryptionKey, ColumnEncryptionType.Deterministic);
Column column1 = new Column("myColumn1", DataType.Char())
ColumnEncryption = column1Encryption,
Collation = "Latin1_General_BIN2" // A BIN2 collation is required for deterministic encryption
ColumnEncryption column2Encryption = new ColumnEncryption(columnEncryptionKey, ColumnEncryptionType.Randomized);
Column column2 = new Column("myColumn2", DataType.NVarChar())
ColumnEncryption = column2Encryption
Table table = new Table("myTable");
table.Columns.AddAll(column1, column2);
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"))