• Renaming Telegram files as file or video.
• Trace Channel to track the users what they are doing with your bot.
• Password to use bot in private.
• Permanent thumbnail support.
• Timegap to protect bot from spamming.
• /mode to change upload mode.
• Forcesub users to join you channel before using your bot.
• `AUTH_USERS:` List of Auth User IDs separated by whitespace and who had right to use admin commands.
• `BANNED_USERS:` List of banned users IDs whom you want to stop from using your bot sperate each user by whitespace.
• `BOT_PASSWORD:` Give a password to your bot to make bot private and can be used by only logged users. (AUTH_USERS and OWNER can use without login)
• `CUSTOM_CAPTION:` The custom caption to be added when sending the renamed File.
• `FORCE_SUB:` The username of your channel without @ to force users to join your channel in order to use this bot.
• `TIME_GAP:` The timegap between requests in seconds to stop user from flooding bot.
• `TRACE_CHANNEL:` A telegram channel Id to send the users data who are using bot.
start - check whether bot is alive or not
mode - change video upload mode to file or video
showthumbnail - to check permanent thumbnail
deletethumbnail - to delete the permanent thumbnail
help - know how to use the bot
about - know about the bot
reset - (admins only) reset users database
login - (when password is given) to login to bot
Feel free to create a pull or create a issue now and describe your issue freely.