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Phone-size Embedded Device for Sensing Application We develop a compact whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) sensing system by integrating multiple components, including a tunable laser, a temperature controller, a function generator, an oscilloscope, a photodiode detector, and a testing computer, into a phone-sized embedded system. We demonstrate a thermal sensing experiment by using this portable system. Such a system successfully eliminates bulky measurement equipment required for characterizing optical resonators and will open up new avenues for practical sensing applications by using ultra-high Q WGM resonators.

Primary Code is in APP file

Publication Link: Phone-sized whispering-gallery microresonator sensing system




Software Design

    1. Embedded C (Programming language)
    1. IDE (Keil uVision IDE for Embedded Development)
    1. uC/OS (Embedded operating system)
    1. uC/GUI (Graphical user interface)
    1. Labview (GUI for desktop application)

Hardware Design

  • Altium designer (Circuit design)
  • STM32F103 (MCU)