A Discord.py bot, utilizing docker.
Commands and paths in this repo will be in Unix format.
To run this bot, you will need Docker Compose.
cd src/ && cp .env.EXAMPLE .env
- Replace "YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN_HERE" with your Discord Bot token.
docker compose up -d
- The bot should come online. You can use the
command to run a healthcheck on the system.
Currently using Postgres 16, the Postgres db will create a folder called postgres data at /src/db/postgres-data/
Do not delete this folder if you want the data in it to persist!
Otherwise, to reset the db run sudo rm -r /src/db/postgres-db/
The init script at/src/db/init.sql runs on the initial startup
The flask API is located at /src/api/
It should run on
unless you've tampered with the .env settings for flask.
The functions that connect the API to the database are at /src/api/core/db_helper.py
and serve as an abstraction over the psycopg functions.
The Bot is running using Discord.py, and cogged commands.
You may also run the bot manually for debugging using python main.py
if your Token is in the .env
or by using python main.py
is no .env is present
cogs are located at /src/bot/cogs/*/
, and are seperated by their purpose.
The functions that connect the bot to the API are at /src/bot/core/api_helper.py
and serve as an abstraction over the requests happening in the background.
There is also a /src/bot/core/embeds.py
, however I might choose to depricate that in the future.
- Description: Synchronizes all guild members with the points database. Members who are already present in the database are skipped.
- Arguments: None.
- Usage:
- Output: An embedded message showing how many users were added to the points table.
- Description: Retrieves and displays the points of a specific guild member.
- Arguments:
: A mention or reference to a Discord member.
- Usage:
>get_points @user
- Output: An embedded message displaying the mentioned user's current points.
- Description: Updates the points of a specific user by adding or subtracting a specified amount.
- Arguments:
: A mention or reference to a Discord user.amount
: The number of points to add (positive) or subtract (negative).
- Usage:
- To add points:
>update_points @user 100
- To remove points:
>update_points @user -50
- To add points:
- Output: An embedded message confirming the amount of points added or removed from the user.
- Description: Fetches and displays the top 10 users with the most points in the guild.
- Arguments: None.
- Usage:
- Output: An embedded message showing the top 10 users and their respective points.
- Description: Fetches and displays the current settings for the guild
- Arguments: None.
- Usage:
- Output: An embedded message showing the guild settings
- Description: An interactive menu that allows a user to change guild settings
- Arguments: None.
- Usage:
- Output: An embedded message that first asks what kind of settings you wish to change, and then another based on what you select.