As simple. Would be very nice to add a callback called every frame while the sim is in pause mode.
I do know only those ones:
aircraft_load() - run once when your aircraft is loaded. This is run after the aircraft is initialized enough to set overrides.
aircraft_unload() - run once when your aircraft is unloaded.
flight_start() - run once each time a flight is started. The aircraft is already initialized and can thus be customized. This is always called after aircraft_load has been run at least once.
flight_crash() - called if X-Plane detects that the user has crashed the airplane.
before_physics() - called every frame that the sim is not paused and not in replay, before physics are calculated
after_physics() - called every frame that the sim is not paused and not in replay, after physics are calculated
after_replay() - called every frame that the sim is in replay mode, regardless of pause status.
Its not something big but I am using xLua to hide/unhide the pilot object in given states. Some users are flying into screenshot position with the pilot hidden (inside view), hit "pause" and go into outside view -> now the pilot object does stay hidden because my function isn't called anymore as long as the sim does stay in pause...